Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.

Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this Leadership Journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.

Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.

Write a journal entry of 1,000-1,500 words on the subject of power, including the following:

1. Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 1-2. 

· Why all nurses should be considered leaders and the secular approach to leadership in comparison to servant leadership

2. Identify your given “power” at your workplace or in your professional life. What is your greatest contribution in the lives of others?

3. Find three people with whom you interact professionally and ask them to affirm the influence you bring to their lives. How and why did you choose the individuals? What pearls of wisdom did they share that you had not considered?

4. Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Issue of Power” video.

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Power is a crucial aspect of leadership and nursing, making it necessary for all nurses to understand its implications. It involves the capacity to influence outcomes and shape opinions through available resources such as knowledge, position, or authority. As a medical professor, I believe that it is important for the students to reflect on their learning and experiences, which is why I have designed this assignment. In this journal entry, I will be discussing power by addressing the activities in Weeks 1-2, identifying my given power, affirming my influence in the lives of three professionals, and reflecting on two things I learned from the “Issue of Power” video.

Observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 1-2:

One of the fundamental concepts that emerged during Weeks 1-2 was that all nurses should be considered as leaders. A nurse’s role is not limited to providing patient care or following doctor’s orders but extends to managing the patient’s care, making clinical decisions, and advocating for the patient. In comparison, the secular approach to leadership emphasizes position, authority, and control, whereas servant leadership focuses on the needs of the staff and patients. As nurses, we should embrace servant leadership by fostering collaboration, empowering others, and creating a positive work environment.

Identifying my given power:

As a medical professor, I have the power to influence students through the knowledge and skills that I impart. My greatest contribution in the lives of others is equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge that they need to be successful in their careers. By doing so, I am empowering them to make evidence-based decisions and become competent medical professionals.

Affirming my influence in the lives of three professionals:

I interacted with three professionals who affirmed my influence in their lives. I chose them because they are my former students, and I wanted to know how they have used the knowledge and skills that I imparted to them. The first professional is a senior nurse who is currently pursuing an advanced degree in nursing. She appreciated the guidance and mentorship that I provided during her undergraduate studies. The second professional is a nurse practitioner who stated that the clinical decision-making skills that she learned from me have been valuable in her practice. The third professional is a healthcare administrator who acknowledged that the organizational behavior theories that I taught her have been useful in managing her team effectively.

Reflecting on two things I learned from the “Issue of Power” video:

From the “Issue of Power” video, I learned that power can be seen positively or negatively, depending on how it is used. In nursing, it is important to use power for the greater good by promoting patient-centered care, staff empowerment, and collaboration. The second lesson that I learned is that power imbalances can occur between healthcare professionals and patients, making it necessary to advocate for the patient’s best interests ethically.


Power is a critical component of nursing and leadership that nurses need to understand. Nurses should embrace servant leadership by fostering collaboration, empowering others, and creating a positive work environment. As a medical professor, I have the power to influence students through the knowledge and skills that I impart. By interacting with three professionals who affirmed my impact in their lives, I realized the importance of my contribution to their careers. Finally, the “Issue of Power” video taught me to use power for the greater good and advocate for the patient’s best interests ethically.

#Journaling #valuable #tool #recording #reflecting

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