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Conflict is defined as a clash or struggle that occurs when a real or perceived threat or difference exists in the desires, thoughts attitudes, feeling, or behaviors of two or more parties. Conflicts are a part of all organizations and with change, comes an increase in conflict. As per Huber, 2014, there are three categories of conflict which include individual, interpersonal and organizational conflicts. Individual characteristics include people having their difference of opinions and values. Interpersonal conflict characteristics include ones distrust, lack of respect, and inadequate or poor communication. Lastly, organizational conflict characteristics include interdependence and changes due to restructuring. These are some factors that may lead to conflicts. 

Managing conflict is a vital part in running an organization smoothly. There are several conflict management resolution strategies that can be used to resolve this conflict which include defensive, compromise, and creative problem solving. Defensive problem solving is used to gain time when time is needed to think about how to solve the problem. Some examples of this is to separate the two parties in conflict, to restrict or suppress the conflict. Compromising is getting the two contending parties to “meet half way” on the issue and are willing to give up something to settle their differences. This is a win-win scenario. Creative problem solving is the most effective way to mange conflicts because both parties collaborate on the problem and find a solution that satisfies everyone. 


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Conflict management is an essential skill that all medical professionals should possess. In the healthcare setting, conflicts can arise due to individual differences in opinions, inadequate communication, restructuring, and interdependence. Therefore, effective management of conflict is crucial to ensure efficient healthcare delivery. Defensive problem solving, compromising, and creative problem solving are some conflict resolution strategies that can be used to resolve conflicts. However, creative problem solving is considered the most effective strategy because it involves collaboration between parties, and seeks to find a solution that satisfies everyone. Collaboration is one of the core tenets of healthcare, and healthcare professionals should be in constant pursuit of strategies that encourage it. Creative problem solving presents a win-win situation that promotes teamwork and fosters a positive work environment. Healthcare professionals should strive to integrate such conflict management strategies to enhance their service delivery. In conclusion, conflicts may not always be avoided, but how they are managed is what defines the effectiveness of the team.

Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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