Unit 9 Health promotion

Topic 1: Diverse Populations and Age.

Read the required readings. Consider the influence of socioeconomic status (SES), culture, gender, ethnicity, and spirituality on mental and physical health for the individual in various health care settings, as it relates specifically to age in adulthood. Construct your post addressing young, middle and older adult related risks concerning a topic. (Young adults are 18â35, not adolescents). Consider physiological, psychological and iatrogenic risks

Be creative in how you address the discussion. You may choose a specific health topic, social health issue, a health condition or create a family scenario. Consider life transitions and role change. Be sure to include risks, addressing the issue across the adult lifespan. Integrate some social, spiritual and environmental influences on mental and physical health.

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Introduction: As a medical professor, it is important to understand the influence of various factors on the mental and physical health of individuals from diverse populations and ages. In this discussion, we will analyze the impact of socioeconomic status, culture, gender, ethnicity, and spirituality on health for young, middle, and older adults.


Young Adult Topic: Substance Abuse

The physiological risk of substance abuse among young adults is well known, with young adults exhibiting higher rates of substance use disorders than any other age group. Psychological risks include increased risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Societal factors such as peer pressure, stress from school or work, and access to substances also contribute significantly.

Middle Adult Topic: Cardiovascular Disease

Middle-aged adults are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to aging and lifestyle factors such as smoking and lack of exercise. In addition, socioeconomic status, which affects access to healthcare, can also influence the development of cardiovascular disease. Stress from work and family responsibilities can also contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease.

Older Adult Topic: Dementia

Older adults are at increased risk of developing dementia, with rates increasing significantly after the age of 65. The physiological risk is related to the aging brain and decreased cognitive function. Socioeconomic factors such as poverty and limited access to medical care may also increase the risk of dementia. Spiritual and social factors such as social isolation and decreased engagement may also contribute to cognitive decline.

Conclusion: Overall, the impact of various factors on the mental and physical health of individuals from diverse populations and ages must be considered. Understanding and addressing these risks is important for healthcare professionals to promote better health outcomes for their patients.

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