Dealing With Difference

Doctor Coopers,


6-8 pages 

Due April 5

Dealing with Difference in the Health Care Setting (6-8 Pages double spaced).  DUE Beginning 4-5-2017

Your paper will be based on a specific cultural group assigned to you during the first class session.  The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about another cultural group by gathering information about the cultural group from a variety of sources, including an INTERVIEW with an individual from that group.

Research- Preparing Your Outline and Notes- The following provides an extensive but not exhaustive list of topic areas that might be covered in your paper.  While you will not have time to deal with each area, please choose the information that is most relevant to understanding human difference and the responsibility of health care workers for responding to these differences in a health care setting.  Please have at least five outside sources in addition to your interview and other course materials.

A.    Interview Basic Information

1.     Immigration background, language, religious beliefs/practices.

2.     Most challenging/difficult aspects of American culture for them.

3.     Family patterns, roles, and relationships.

4.     Customs and behaviors, food, holidays and celebrations.

5.     Recreation and leisure activities.

6.     Degree of Assimilation: where do they feel they fit in?

B.    What health issues are unique to the cultural group you are researching? What does a health care worker need to be most concerned about when dealing with members of your specific cultural group?  In what ways might nursing care be particularly sensitive to those who are members of this cultural group?

C.    Discuss three aspects of the cultural group that are the most difficult for you to understand. Explain why characteristics of your culture and that of your cultural group might cause these difficulties.

D.    Using ideas from the text, readings, class and outside sources, list steps and/or principles health care workers can use to avoid negative stereotyping, judging, or prejudice against the cultural group.

E.    Mention any emotional responses, changes in thinking, or insights you personally gained from your research.

Cultural Group:                                                   Culture:

Once you have completed your paper  ( including bibliography: websites for articles available online, citations for information from your sources—books, magazines, journals etc.) p lease submit paper as a Microsoft Word attachment to ASSIGNMENTS.

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Introduction: Dealing with cultural differences is an essential aspect of healthcare, and as future medical professionals, it is crucial to develop an understanding of different cultural practices and beliefs. In this assignment, you have been assigned a specific cultural group to research and evaluate their unique health issues. You will also be required to interview an individual from that group and learn about their customs, behaviors, and beliefs. Moreover, you will discuss the most challenging aspects of the cultural group, principles for avoiding prejudice, and your emotional or intellectual insights.

A. Interview Basic Information

1. Immigration background, language, religious beliefs/practices: Begin the interview by asking about the person’s background, including their family’s immigration history and the languages they speak. Additionally, inquire about their religious beliefs and practices to understand their healthcare preferences and potential dietary restrictions.

2. Most challenging/difficult aspects of American culture for them: Encourage the individual to open up about the difficulties they faced while adapting to American culture. This information will help healthcare workers understand potential cultural barriers and provide appropriate assistance.

3. Family patterns, roles, and relationships: Ask the interviewee about their family dynamic to gain insight into their healthcare decision-making process. Additionally, inquiring about roles and relationships within the family will provide insight into the level of family involvement in healthcare.

4. Customs and behaviors, food, holidays and celebrations: Inquire about the individual’s customs and behaviors, especially regarding food and celebrations, as this information is crucial for providing culturally competent care.

5. Recreation and leisure activities: Gain insight into their leisure activities, which may be tied to cultural practices or beliefs. This information will guide healthcare workers to provide culturally sensitive care that respects the individual’s preferences.

6. Degree of Assimilation: where do they feel they fit in? Ask about the individual’s degree of assimilation into American culture to better understand their cultural identity in healthcare decisions.

B. Health issues unique to the cultural group you are researching: Identify unique health issues prevalent in the cultural group and inquire about any specific health concerns that the individual may have. Healthcare workers need to be concerned about the cultural group’s health issues to better understand the individual’s healthcare needs.

C. Three aspects of the cultural group that are the most difficult for you to understand: Reflect on the most challenging aspects of the cultural group, as this can inhibit effective communication and limit the provision of quality care. Explain why these aspects are challenging and identify how cultural differences may influence perspectives.

D. Principles health care workers can use to avoid negative stereotyping, judging or prejudice against the cultural group: Discuss principles for avoiding negative stereotypes or prejudice against the cultural group based on ideas from the text, readings, class, and outside sources.

E. Emotional responses, changes in thinking, or insights gained from research: Reflect on any emotional or intellectual insights you gained from the research and interview process, as this can enable you to provide better care in the future.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this assignment aims to develop an understanding of cultural differences and their impact on healthcare. Understanding cultural practices and beliefs is crucial for effective communication, quality care, and preventing prejudice towards specific cultural groups. Through conducting an interview and researching unique health conditions, healthcare workers can provide individualized and culturally sensitive care that respects the individual’s preferences.

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