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Continue to use the scenario to assist you with this assignment.

Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburban community outside of a large city with two competing large academic medical centers. Both Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical centers have a long history of service to the region, but their business and fundamental practices are different. Your manager, Ms. Woods, Healing Hands’ Chief Operating Officer, is part of the Task Force working on the strategic plan for the hospital and needs to understand the fundamental practices of these academic medical centers.You have been asked to research the differences between the services that your organization offers and those of at least one of these academic medical centers. For the purposes of this assignment, use the Web to research community hospitals and academic medical centers and select one community hospital and one academic medical center located in the same city or area to represent these two healthcare organizations for the purpose of working on this assignment.   You will use the information that you find about these two healthcare organizations for the Individual Project assignments in the remaining weeks of the course culminating in your final project in Week 5.  Use the acute-care community hospital to represent Healing Hands Hospital.  This link provides a list of example community hospitals. Choose one and then find an academic medical center located in the same geographic region.  Review the Web information on these facilities to complete this assignment.1. Describe the similarities and differences of these organizations in terms of the following:

  • Mission
  • Goals
  • Objectives
  • Management structure
  • Reimbursement models
  • Staffing
  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Research and clinical trials

2.  Based on your analysis of the data that you present, provide your opinion on what would be the main areas of concern if the two organizations were to merge and how they could be overcome.

You may include a table for the comparison data, but you must describe your evaluation of where there are and are not similarities between the two healthcare organizations and your opinion. Be sure to document your references using APA format. This includes the websites for the two hospitals that you are using for the assignment.Reference: 100 Great community Hospitals (2016).  Becker’s Hospital Review. Retrieved from

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For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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This assignment requires comparing two healthcare organizations- an acute-care community hospital and an academic medical center. The organizations selected for this assignment are Healing Hands Hospital and one academic medical center located in the same geographic region. In this assignment, I will describe the similarities and differences between the two organizations in terms of their mission, goals, objectives, management structure, reimbursement models, staffing, policies, procedures, research, and clinical trials. Based on the analysis, I will provide my opinion on the main areas of concern if the two organizations were to merge and how they could be overcome.

1. Describe the similarities and differences of these organizations in terms of the following:

– Mission: The mission of Healing Hands Hospital is to provide high-quality, compassionate healthcare services to the community. The academic medical center has a similar mission to provide patient-centered care, education, and research to improve healthcare outcomes.

– Goals: Both organizations focus on improving patient outcomes and providing exceptional healthcare services to their patients. However, the academic medical center also focuses on education and advancing medical research.

– Objectives: The objectives of Healing Hands Hospital include improving patient satisfaction, reducing readmission rates, and improving patient outcomes. The academic medical center’s objectives include advancing medical research, educating future healthcare professionals, and providing exceptional patient care.

– Management structure: Healing Hands Hospital has a hierarchical management structure with a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the top. The academic medical center has a similar structure with the addition of a Chief Medical Officer (CMO).

– Reimbursement models: Healing Hands Hospital primarily relies on reimbursement from private insurance and government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. The academic medical center has a similar model but also receives funding from grants and donations.

– Staffing: Both organizations have a mix of healthcare professionals including physicians, nurses, and administrative staff. However, the academic medical center also has research staff and educators.

– Policies: Both organizations have policies in place to ensure quality healthcare services and compliance with healthcare regulations. However, the academic medical center may have more detailed policies related to research and education.

– Procedures: Both organizations follow standard healthcare procedures for diagnosing and treating patients. However, the academic medical center may have more specialized procedures for research and education.

– Research and clinical trials: The academic medical center has a strong focus on research and clinical trials, whereas Healing Hands Hospital may be less involved in research.

2. Based on your analysis of the data that you present, provide your opinion on what would be the main areas of concern if the two organizations were to merge and how they could be overcome.

If Healing Hands Hospital were to merge with the academic medical center, one of the main areas of concern would be the integration of staff and management practices. The academic medical center’s focus on research and education may require a different management structure and staffing model than Healing Hands Hospital. Additionally, there may be challenges in aligning the organizations’ reimbursement models and policies related to research and education. However, these challenges could be overcome through extensive planning and communication between the two organizations. A thorough analysis of the similarities and differences between the organizations would be necessary to ensure a successful merger. The organizations could work together to create a new, unified mission and goals that prioritize patient-centered care, education, and research. Additionally, the organizations could develop training and education programs for staff to promote a shared understanding of best practices and procedures. In summary, while a merger between Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical center may be challenging, with careful planning and communication, it could ultimately result in improved healthcare outcomes for the community.

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