Discussion: Using Process Maps for Quality Assessment and Improvement

Given the synergistic relationship between process and outcomes, leader-managers and other team members need to evaluate processes related to care delivery, customer service, and other matters in order to diagnose problems and effectively improve quality.

A process map is a visual representation that illustrates activities and practices as they occur, which serves as a valuable resource for identifying trouble spots. It is important to note that process maps can also be used for evaluation after an intervention has been implemented. For instance, looking at a process map following an intervention may help leader-managers to note discrepancies between what was planned and what is actually being practiced, or to see that a process has in fact improved, even if the outcomes have not met the targets.

In this Discussion, you examine how process mapping could be applied to your Course Project.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, focusing on the use of process maps for improving quality and safety.

Bring to mind your work on your Course Project thus far. How could you use a process map to diagnose problems and inform strategies for improvement? In addition, think about how using a process map could inform and enhance your data collection efforts.

Conduct additional research on this topic to support your thinking.

Post an explanation of how using a process map could inform and facilitate quality assessment and improvement, including data collection efforts, related to your Course Project. Support your response with evidence from the literature.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional resources.

Required Readings

Cookson, D., Read, C., Mukherjee, P., & Cooke, M. (2011). Improving the quality of emergency department care by removing waste using Lean Value Stream mapping. International Journal of Clinical Leadership, 17(1), 25–30.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article demonstrates how a process map can be used to identify waste and promote efficiency, particularly in large departments.

Ford, J. H., Wise, M., & Wisdom, J. P. (2010). A peek inside the box: How information flows through substance abuse treatment agencies. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 28(3), 121–143.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The authors of this article establish the importance of using process maps for improving productivity and information flow.

 Abubakker, H. T. (2010). Practical guide to creating better looking process maps. Retrieved from

iSixSigma’s website offers a practical guide with many tips for creating an easy-to-follow process map.

 NHS. (2008). Quality and service improvement tools: Process mapping—an overview. Retrieved from

The NHS article outlines the importance of process maps and provides a detailed description of how to create a process map.

Use the blow links:

Practical Guide to Creating Better Looking Process Maps*/

Expert Solution Preview

Introduction: Process maps are an essential tool for identifying trouble spots and improving quality in healthcare. As a medical professor, I have experience in designing and conducting lectures on quality assessment and improvement. In this discussion, I will explain how to use process maps to inform and facilitate quality assessment and improvement related to a Course Project.

Answer: Process maps are a valuable tool for diagnosing problems and improving quality in healthcare. The process map can help identify trouble spots related to care delivery, customer service, and other matters. It also helps leader-managers to note discrepancies between what was planned and what is actually being practiced, or to see that a process has improved, even if the outcomes have not met the targets.

In my Course Project, I would use a process map to visually represent the care delivery process and identify inefficiencies. This process map will highlight the sequence of events from the patient’s arrival in the hospital, to the discharge process. By identifying the inefficiencies in the process, the team can come up with strategies to streamline the process and improve the quality of care delivered. I will also use this process map to inform and enhance my data collection efforts by identifying data points that can be collected throughout the process.

According to Cookson et al. (2011), using process maps to identify waste and promote efficiency can improve the quality of emergency department care. Similarly, Ford et al. (2010) established the importance of using process maps for improving productivity and information flow. The NHS article (2008) outlines the importance of process maps and provides a detailed description of how to create a process map.

In conclusion, the process map is an effective tool for quality assessment and improvement in healthcare. By visually representing the care delivery process, we can identify inefficiencies and come up with strategies to streamline the process and improve the quality of care delivered. Moreover, using process maps can enhance data collection efforts, ultimately leading to better quality care.


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