Practicum Project Methodology and Evaluation

Week 4 – Discussion

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Practicum Project Methodology and Evaluation

Consider the following scenario:

With a clear conception of her Practicum Project goal and objectives, Sandra was optimistic that she was on the right track. Then she started to consider the methodology for her project and realized how much she still needed to figure out. She began to think about the theories and concepts she had examined in her program of study and how they might inform her methodology. The biggest challenge, she discovered, was in mapping the strategies that would help her achieve each objective. How would she decide what would be most effective? What barriers were likely to arise? She also realized that she needed to think about evaluation early in order to establish appropriate criteria and make sure she could assess the evidence related to the process, impact, and outcomes of her project. She wondered how she might use formative evaluation to develop and improve the project, as well as how she could use summative evaluation following the implementation of the project to determine if it had been successful.

Consider the models, theories, and concepts you have examined in your program of study as they relate to your project. Which of these can be applied to the development of methodology to help you achieve the project objectives? Which ones can be used to help you establish criteria and methods of evaluation for your project?

In this Discussion, you examine and propose the methodology for your Practicum Project, as well as evaluation methods. The insights you gain through this Discussion should be integrated into your Practicum Project Plan, which is due in Week 5.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on the Practicum Project goal and objectives you developed in Week 3.
  • Refer to the Practicum Project Plan (PPP) Overview document as needed for information related to the assignment.
  • Consider the models, theories, and concepts you have examined in your program of study as they relate to your project. How can this information be applied to the development of the methodology and evaluation for your project?
  • Review the information on methodology in the Learning Resources, and conduct additional research to facilitate your analysis for your project. Evaluate the who, what, how, where, and when associated with each objective: Who will make what change, by how much, where, and by when? Consider the methods you could use to meet each objective. Devise your methodology in as much detail as possible to identify how you could meet each objective. For example, identify which professional organizations or regulatory bodies you would consult (by viewing their websites or contacting them directly) to gather evidence.
  • Review the information on formative and summative evaluation in this week’s Learning Resources, and conduct additional research to facilitate your analysis for your project. How could you evaluate achievement of your Practicum Project objectives using formative and/or summative evaluation? Begin to develop an evaluation plan for your Practicum Project.

By tomorrow 3/21/17, post a minimum of 550 words in APA format with 3 references from the list below. Include the levels headers as numbered below:

1)      Post a brief summary of your Practicum Project focus, including the goal and objectives of your Practicum Project (to serve as a reminder for your colleagues).

2)      Explain your selected methodology, and justify your selection. Include a detailed explanation of how you could meet each objective using this methodology.

3)      Also explain your evaluation plan, noting at which points during your Practicum Project formative and/or summative evaluation will occur.

Required Readings

Reminder: Review resources from previous courses as necessary.

Black, P. (2010). Formative assessment. In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education (3rd ed., pp. 359–364). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

 This article outlines the history of formative assessment and its application and use as an evaluation tool.

Duers, L. E., & Brown, N. (2009). An exploration of student nurses’ experiences of formative assessment. Nurse Education Today, 29(6), 654–659.Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

 This article compares formative and summative assessment and presents examples of the application of formative assessment in nursing education.

Gantt, L. T. (2013). The effect of preparation on anxiety and performance in summative simulations. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 9(1), e25–e33.Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article provides an example of how formative and summative evaluation is used in a nursing simulation lab. The article discusses strategies for improving nurses’ performance on summative evaluations and explores the use of formative evaluation as a strategy for improving performance on summative evaluations.

Pellegrino, J. W. (2010). Technology and formative assessment. In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education (3rd ed., pp. 42–47). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

 The author discusses the importance of formative assessment and examines how technology can be used to support the assessment process.

Expert Solution Preview

As a medical professor, I believe that the Practicum Project is an excellent way to assimilate and apply what students have learned throughout their program. In this Discussion, I express my thoughts on the methodology and evaluation of the Practicum Project.

1) Post a brief summary of your Practicum Project focus, including the goal and objectives of your Practicum Project (to serve as a reminder for your colleagues).
My Practicum Project is focused on the improvement and betterment of the outpatient care of asthma patients. The goal of my project is to improve the quality of life of asthma patients by designing a well-structured and efficient outpatient care model that provides a complete understanding of the patients’ symptoms and pathophysiology of the illness. With accurate diagnosis and treatment of asthma, patients can ultimately improve their respiratory health and reduce the number of hospital admissions due to exacerbations. The objectives of the project are to research effective outpatient care models, analyze the barriers to the outpatient care of asthma, identify the ideal outpatient care team to implement the care model, develop a protocol for outpatient care of asthma patients, and conduct training for healthcare professionals to utilize the developed protocol.

2) Explain your selected methodology, and justify your selection. Include a detailed explanation of how you could meet each objective using this methodology.
The methodology that I have selected for my Practicum Project is the community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach. My selection is justified by the fact that CBPR provides an excellent opportunity for collaborative research between healthcare professionals and patients. The CBPR methodology seeks to empower the community affected by the health problem by involving them in the research and crafting of a solution. The CBPR approach was chosen because it integrates the voices of the people who have the disease and their reference groups, such as people who provide care for the patients.

To meet the objectives of the project, the CBPR methodology will ensure that multiple stakeholders’ perspectives are integrated, making the research outcomes more applicable and efficient, capturing different viewpoints. First, we will research effective outpatient care models from different sources and compiling them into one comprehensive approach to create a well-rounded program. Secondly, we will analyze the barriers, identifying the factors that hinder effective outpatient care delivery in the existing healthcare setting, and brainstorming solutions to these problems. Thirdly, we will develop a protocol for outpatient care of asthma patients using this methodology, which will involve all stakeholders in the care model’s development. Fourthly, we will identify and evaluate the ideal outpatient care team, which will consist of a multidisciplinary team focused on delivering care that follows the protocol by including doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and social workers. Lastly, we will conduct training of healthcare professionals that will involve acknowledging and implementing the protocol which we will be developing.

3) Also, explain your evaluation plan, noting at which points during your Practicum Project formative and/or summative evaluation will occur.
Formative evaluation is an ongoing data collection process that aims to recognize strengths and weaknesses in the progress made during the Practicum Project, allowing us to make changes or take corrective action when necessary. Formative evaluation will begin at the outset of the project, and regular feedback from stakeholders, including patients, care providers, and the research team, will be sought. Clinical audits will be conducted by the research team to identify the success of the protocol, and the team will work to make the necessary changes to improve the model. Summative evaluation will occur at the end of the project, where data collected during the research will undergo quantitative analysis to evaluate the project’s effectiveness in improving the quality of life of asthma patients. The analysis will involve evaluation of the quality of care delivered according to the protocol, patient outcomes, and changes in costs related to asthma care.

The CBPR approach is an excellent methodology for a Practicum Project that involves collaboration with patients, healthcare providers, and stakeholders for research and solution to the health problem. Community engagement is key in the solution to many health problems, and utilization of CBPR is a remarkable strategy to improve health outcomes. The formative and summative evaluation plan will help to provide relevant and timely feedback on the methodology’s success during the implementation of the project.

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