Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Training

Module 03 Content

  1. Scenario

    As you begin your new role as a healthcare manager for an international healthcare company, you witness several less than professional interactions between front line staff and providers, and between directors. Because this is a multi-cultural organization, there are many different cultures represented within the employees. You decide something needs to be done to help combat the in-fighting and to create a culture of diversity and the acceptance of inclusion. You immediately begin creating a training video and a plan to roll out mandatory staff wide training on cultural diversity and inclusion.


    Create a Microsoft PowerPoint to be used during the training to preface the different scenarios that are to be depicted in the training video. Incorporate 4 countries of your choice using this website: and discuss at least 4 of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
    Make sure the PowerPoint includes:

    • a title page,
    • at least5-7 slides comparing and contrasting the four chosen countries cultural norms based on at least 4 of Hofstede’s 6 Cultural Dimensions, and
    • an APA formatted Reference slide, with at least 1 article covering the topic of Hofstede’s 6 Cultural Dimensions well integrated into paper

    Be sure to incorporate colors, graphics, and pictures to add visual appeal and professionalism.

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    PowerPoint Presentations and APA: citing sources and creating reference lists in PPT presentations

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Introduction: In this assignment, we have been given a scenario where we need to create a training video and a plan for mandatory staff-wide training on cultural diversity and inclusion. To preface the different scenarios in the training video, we need to create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation incorporating 4 countries and discussing at least 4 of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

Answer: In this assignment, we have been asked to create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to be used during the training, incorporating 4 countries and discussing at least 4 of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. The four countries that I have chosen for this presentation are the United States, Japan, India, and Brazil.

Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions are Power Distance Index (PDI), Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), Long-term Orientation versus Short-term Orientation (LTO), and Indulgence versus Restraint (IVR). For this PowerPoint presentation, I have chosen to discuss four of these dimensions – PDI, IDV, MAS, and UAI.

In terms of PDI, the United States has a relatively lower score, indicating a more equal distribution of power. Japan, on the other hand, has a higher score, which means there is a more significant power distance and hierarchical structure within the workplace. Brazil has a high PDI score as well, but India has an average PDI score, indicating a more moderate approach to power distribution.

When discussing IDV, the United States and Brazil score high, which means the focus is on individual success and achievement. Japan and India score relatively low on this dimension, indicating a more collective approach to teamwork and decision-making.

In terms of MAS, Japan scores incredibly high, indicating a more masculine approach to work, emphasizing results, and success. On the other hand, Brazil scores relatively low, indicating a more feminine approach to work, emphasizing relationships, and quality of life.

Finally, in terms of UAI, Brazil and India score relatively high, indicating a desire for rules, structure, and predictability. The United States and Japan score lower, indicating a more relaxed approach to rules and increased tolerance for ambiguity.

In conclusion, understanding and respecting cultural differences is essential in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. The Microsoft PowerPoint presentation we have created will facilitate the training process and help employees understand cultural differences better.

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