GCCCD Emergence of Evidence Based Practice in The Healthcare System Case Study

  1. In a 1000-word APA essay – Complete all three of the following SherPath case studies: 1. Cystitis, 2. Prostate Cancer, 3. Osteoarthritis. Include an introduction and conclusion to the essay

Here are three case studies for you to complete this week.

  1. Cystitis

Ms. Vance, age 28 years, has noticed urgency, frequency, and dysuria recently, as well as an unusual odor to the urine. Urinalysis indicated a heavy concentration of Escherichia coli in the urine, some pus, and WBCs. Ms. T was prescribed antibiotics, which she took for the first few days. This seemed to give her relief, but she then stopped taking the medication. Within a few days, the symptoms returned, but she decided to “just live with it.”

  • Question 1: Explain why women are predisposed to cystitis.
  • Question 2: What preventive measures are important in reducing recurrence?
  • Question 3: Discuss other signs and symptoms that may indicate cystitis.
  • Question 4: What potential problems may she experience if she does not adhere to the treatment prescribed?

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  1. Prostate Cancer

Mr. Rader, age 52 years, is undergoing a routine physical examination for his employer. During palpation of the prostate, the physician noted a hard nodule on the gland’s periphery. Lab tests revealed an elevated PSA level. The remainder of the examination did not reveal any other abnormalities.

  • Question 1: Using the information given, discuss the presentation of cancer of the prostate.
  • Question 2: Discuss the predisposing factors for prostate cancer and identify the high-risk groups.
  • Question 3: Discuss the variation in the growth and course of this type of cancer.
  • Question 4: Discuss how the decision to treat or not to treat is made early in the course of prostate cancer.
  • Question 5: If metastasis occurs, what additional manifestations will occur, and how will they be treated?

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  1. Osteoarthritis

Mr. Filstrup is a 38-year-old man in overall good health who has been complaining about an aching pain in his knees when working around the house and often when simply walking. He has noticed that his knees feel “hard” and tight. His history indicates that he has always been involved in athletics and was on the college football team, but recently family responsibilities and work have not made it easy for him to exercise.

  • Question 1: Relate Mr. Filstrup’s case history to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.
  • Question 2: How do anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics help Mr. Filstrup deal with this form of arthritis? Why is moderate, non–weight-bearing exercise recommended?
  • Question 3: What is the probable prognosis for Mr. Filstrup?

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This essay will answer three case studies related to medical conditions. These case studies will cover topics like cystitis, prostate cancer, and osteoarthritis. All three case studies will be discussed in 1000 words, including their symptoms, prevention, and treatment.

Case Study 1: Cystitis

Question 1: Women are predisposed to cystitis due to their anatomy. Women have a shorter urethra than men, and this makes it easier for bacteria to travel to the bladder and cause infections. Moreover, women’s urethral opening is closer to the anus, which increases the risk of bacteria transfer. Also, hormonal changes in women elevate their risk of developing cystitis.

Question 2: To prevent recurrence of cystitis, one should drink plenty of water to flush out the bacteria, urinate regularly, especially after sexual intercourse, wipe from front to back after bowel movements, and avoid using feminine products that may irritate the urethra. Drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements also helps prevent recurrent infections.

Question 3: The other signs and symptoms of cystitis include cloudy or strong-smelling urine, lower abdominal pain, blood in urine, fever, nausea, and vomiting.

Question 4: If Ms. Vance does not adhere to the prescribed treatment, the infection may spread to the kidneys, causing pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis causes severe pain in the sides and back, high fever, nausea, and vomiting. If left untreated, it can lead to kidney damage or kidney failure.

Case Study 2: Prostate Cancer

Question 1: Prostate cancer has no early symptoms, but as it advances, it may cause symptoms like difficulty urinating, bloody urine, painful ejaculation, back pain, and bone pain.

Question 2: The predisposing factors for prostate cancer include age, family history, genetics, race, and diet. The high-risk groups are men aged over 50, African-American men, and men with a family history of prostate cancer.

Question 3: The growth and course of this type of cancer vary from person to person. In some cases, it may grow slowly and not require treatment, while in other cases, it may grow rapidly and spread to other parts of the body.

Question 4: The decision to treat or not to treat prostate cancer is made early in the course of the disease, depending on various factors like age, overall health, and the aggressiveness of cancer.

Question 5: If metastasis occurs, additional manifestations like bone pain, fatigue, weight loss, and swelling in the legs and feet occur. Metastasis requires more aggressive treatment like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.

Case Study 3: Osteoarthritis

Question 1: Mr. Filstrup’s case history relates to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis as it is primarily caused by wear and tear of the joints. Mr. Filstrup’s involvement in sports activities may have led to excess stress on the knee joints, causing them to wear down over time.

Question 2: Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics help Mr. Filstrup deal with arthritis by reducing inflammation and pain. Moderate, non-weight-bearing exercise is recommended as it helps strengthen the muscles supporting the knee joints. Physical therapy like stretching and massaging can also help alleviate pain.

Question 3: The probable prognosis for Mr. Filstrup depends on various factors like age, severity of arthritis, overall health, and adherence to treatment recommendations. With proper treatment, Mr. Filstrup can manage his condition and live an active life.


In conclusion, these three case studies demonstrate the importance of early diagnosis, prevention, and proper treatment of medical conditions. Women can take preventive measures to reduce the recurrence of cystitis, while men should undergo routine screening for prostate cancer. Osteoarthritis can be managed with medication, exercise, and physical therapy. Further research can be conducted to investigate new treatment methods and preventive measures for these conditions.

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