Grand Canyon University Global Health and Public Health Essay

Defining international or global health is important and some consider global health synonymous with public health. Select one of the following two statements:

1. Global health is public health requiring similar training and research methods.

2. Global health is a separate discipline requiring specific training and research methods.

Identify at least two arguments that support the selected statement and provide sources to support those arguments. Identify and discuss one historical event that is important in how global health is understood today and how that event supports your argument. For one of your substantive responses, identify another classmate that selected the opposite statement and provide at least one point of agreement and one point of disagreement. Please cite any and references used. 300 words minimum.

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The concept of global health is essential for healthcare professionals, and its definition plays a crucial role in understanding its scope and importance. This essay will discuss two statements related to global health and provide arguments and sources to support the selected statement. Additionally, the essay will examine one historical event that influenced the understanding of global health and how it supports the chosen argument. Lastly, the essay will compare one classmate’s response that selected the opposite statement, identifying points of agreement and disagreement.

Statement: Global health is a separate discipline requiring specific training and research methods.

1. Global health requires interdisciplinary collaboration: Global health encompasses various disciplines, including medical sciences, epidemiology, anthropology, environmental studies, and political sciences. To address global health issues effectively, interdisciplinary collaboration is necessary, requiring specialized training and research methods, making it a separate discipline.
Source: Kuziemsky, C. (2018). Transdisciplinary collaboration in global health: why, how, and where. Journal of transdisciplinary eHealth & telemedicine, 6, 1-6.
2. Global health focuses on the unique challenges present in low and middle-income countries (LMICs): The health challenges in high-income countries differ from that of LMICs. For instance, LMICs face a higher burden of communicable diseases, malnutrition, and poor access to healthcare. Addressing these challenges requires an understanding of the specific social, economic, and cultural factors present in these settings and specialized training methods.
Source: Lansang, M. A., & Dennis, R. (2004). Building capacity in health research in the developing world. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 82(10), 764-770.

Historical event: The establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 was a crucial event in recognizing the importance of global health. WHO’s primary role is to coordinate efforts to address global health challenges and promote health equity worldwide. The creation of WHO highlights the complexity and necessity of addressing global health, requiring specialized training and research methods, supporting the argument that global health is a separate discipline.

Classmate response: The classmate selected the statement “Global health is public health requiring similar training and research methods.” A point of agreement is that both statements acknowledge the importance of addressing global health. However, I disagree with the chosen statement, as public health and global health require different training and research methods. Unlike public health, global health involves collaboration between various disciplines and requires an understanding of the specific challenges present in LMICs, making it a separate discipline.

In conclusion, global health can be considered a separate discipline requiring specialized training and research methods. Arguments supporting this statement include the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and the unique challenges present in LMICs. The establishment of WHO is a crucial historical event that highlights the importance of recognizing global health’s complexity. While there is some agreement with the opposite statement, I disagreed as public health and global health require different approaches.

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