HI300 HI305 PG Electronic Health Information Exchange Paper

Assignment Requirements

  • The body of your document should be at least 1,000 words in length.
  • Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
  • You must cite and reference at least four credible sources from the Library.
  • Please be sure to visit the Academic Success Center for assistance with meeting APA expectations for written Assignments.


Imagine that you are the Director of Health Information for a large hospital. As Director, you sit on various institution-wide committees that govern the organization’s policies. In collaboration with interdepartmental committees, you have made recommendations regarding the improvement of policies, procedures, and operations across the institution. The CEO and Board of Directors have approved funding for several initiatives but have asked you to narrow changes to just a few. Therefore, you will develop an action plan for the hospital.

Please follow the instructions below in completion of this Assignment.





Appraise at least two (2) policies that cover data security (i.e., audits, control data recovery, e-security, data recovery planning, and business continuity planning). Make at least two (2) recommendations for improvements to the elements included in the design of audit trails and data quality monitoring programs within the hospital.


Critique the systems capabilities to meet regulatory requirements by judging the technologies that relate to electronic signatures, data correction, and audit logs.


Critique at least two (2) human factors and user interface design of health information technologies by making at least two (2) recommendations for device selection based on workflow, ergonomics, and human factors.


Evaluate a health information system’s architecture in terms of database design and data warehousing. Critique issues with systems implementation related to systems testing, interface management, and data relationships.


Participate in the development of information management plans that support the organization’s current and future strategy and goals by comparing and contrasting at least two (2) issues related to a corporate strategic plan, operation improvement planning, information management plans, and/or disaster and recovery planning.


Analyze at least two (2) challenges that exist in each phase of the systems development life cycle. Distinguish issues related to EHRs, HIEs, and RECs within your analysis.


Analyze at least two (2) challenges that exist in each phase of the systems development life cycle. Distinguish issues related to EHRs, HIEs, and RECs within your analysis.

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The healthcare industry is dynamic and therefore, subject to changes that require corresponding adaptations. As a result, the Director of Health Information for a large hospital, who sits on institution-wide committees, should be capable of developing effective action plans that encompass the necessary policies, procedures, and operations required to achieve the objectives of the institution. In this context, the following text will address the requirements of an assignment that involves appraising various policies, evaluating human factors and user interface design, and analyzing issues related to EHRs, HIEs, and RECs in each phase of systems development.

1. Appraising Data Security Policies:
Data security policies are critical in ensuring that the institution’s data remains secure, confidential, and accessible to authorized users only. Two policies that should be evaluated include audits and control data recovery. One improvement recommendation is to establish a dedicated audit team that works under the Health Information Management department to ensure data security compliance. The audit team will be responsible for reviewing and evaluating all transactions, detecting and correcting deviations, and enforcing corrective actions when necessary. Another improvement recommendation is to improve the hospital’s data recovery planning by conducting regular data backup testing to ensure data recovery in the event of system failures or cyberattacks.

2. Critiquing Systems Capabilities:
The hospital’s systems’ capabilities are crucial in meeting regulatory requirements related to electronic signatures, data correction, and audit logs. Regarding electronic signatures, the hospital should ensure that its systems use digital signatures that meet industry standards for security, authenticity, and reliability. In terms of data correction, the hospital should have an established policy that governs the process of correcting errors by ensuring that authorized users conduct correction procedures, and the system maintains a record of each correction. For audit logs, the hospital should include relevant details such as the time and date of access, user identification, and location. This information allows for efficient monitoring, identification, and investigation of irregularities.

3. Critiquing Human Factors and User Interface Design:
Health information technologies should consider the human factors and user interface design to ensure that devices are suitable for the intended users based on their workflow, ergonomics, and human factors. One recommendation for selecting suitable devices is to involve occupational therapists in the procurement and selection process. Occupational therapists have experience in evaluating users’ physical and cognitive abilities and recommending devices that enhance usability and efficiency. Another recommendation is ensuring that the devices’ displays have adjustable contrast, brightness, glare reduction, and font sizes to cater to users with varying eyesight issues.

4. Evaluating Health Information System’s Architecture:
Evaluating the hospital’s health information system architecture is essential in ensuring effective database design and data warehousing. Issues that may arise during systems implementation include testing, interface management, and data relationships. To ensure efficient data management, the hospital should conduct regular database testing to identify and resolve issues in a timely manner. Interface management can be improved by ensuring that the interfaces have the capacity to accommodate data exchange between disparate systems. In terms of data relationships, the hospital should ensure that data is structured in a way that allows users to extract meaningful reports and analysis.

5. Participating in the Development of Information Management Plans:
To support the organization’s current and future strategies and goals, the Director of Health Information should participate in the development of information management plans that take into account issues related to corporate strategic plans, operation improvement planning, information management plans, and disaster and recovery planning. Some of the issues that may arise during the planning process include data privacy and security, access controls, and data integrity. By comparing and contrasting these issues, the Director of Health Information can develop comprehensive information management plans that cater to various aspects of hospital operations.

6. Analyzing Challenges that Exist in each phase of the System Development Life Cycle:
Various challenges exist in each phase of the System Development Life Cycle, including those related to EHRs, HIEs, and RECs. During the planning and analysis phase, issues may include difficulties in identifying user requirements and obtaining stakeholder buy-in. In the design phase, issues may arise when selecting appropriate hardware and software, designing user interfaces, and developing databases. During the implementation phase, some of the challenges that occur include testing and integration issues and data migration issues. Lastly, the maintenance phase poses challenges related to technology obsolescence, software upgrades, and user training.

7. Analyzing the Impact of Future Technology Trends:
Future technology trends such as the continued growth of mHealth, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, will ultimately impact the healthcare industry and healthcare institutions’ operations. The impact of these technologies on EHRs, HIEs, and RECs will be significant, including privacy and security concerns, interoperability issues, data quality and accuracy issues, and regulatory compliance problems. Healthcare institutions, including the Director of Health Information, should work to develop strategies that help to mitigate these challenges effectively.

The Director of Health Information plays an essential role in developing action plans that encompass policies, procedures, and operations that align with hospital objectives. Appraising data security policies, critiquing systems capabilities and human factors and user interface design, evaluating the health information system’s architecture, participating in the development of information management plans, and analyzing challenges that exist in each phase of the System Development Life Cycle and the impact of future technology trends are essential components of this role. By addressing these components effectively, the Director of Health Information can help to ensure that the hospital remains relevant and competitive in the industry.

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