Module 6 Hospital Patient Portal Compliance Scenarios Questions

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As an IT professional, you have been tasked to ensure your hospital’s patient portal is compliant with the new mandates by CMS and ONC relating to the 21st Century Cures Act. In preparing for this review you must answer a few questions.

1. What is a patient portal? In one paragraph describe a patient portal.

2. What is interoperability? In one paragraph explain interoperability.

3. What is information blocking? In one paragraph define information blocking as it relates to access/use of a patient’s electronic health information.

Based on the information you have learned this semester and your personal research, explain how these type scenarios should be handled when releasing information to the patient portal. Is the information required to be released based on CMS and ONC rules. Explain why or why not the information should be released.

Scenario A:

Mrs. Webb, a 72 year old, fell at a local restaurant and hurt her right knee and right side of her chest. Mrs. Webb has a past history of leukemia. She was seen at Cure City emergency room. X-rays were taken of her right knee and chest. The right patella (knee cap) was fractured. She did not have any rib fractures. What information should or should not be released in the patient portal?

Scenario B:

Frank Deerfoot, a 56 year old, saw his general practitioner for his yearly physical. He had a blood work (complete blood count (CBC), A1C (blood glucose test), cholesterol, and EKG (electrocardiogram). The physician read the EKG as normal during the visit. He stated the office would call in 3-5 days to discuss the blood work findings. The physician stated follow-up would be in one year. What information should or should not be released in the patient portal?

Scenario C:

Melissa Johnson brought her one year old son, Tyler to see his pediatrician due to pulling at his ears. The pediatrician diagnosed Tyler with bilateral otitis media (ear infection) and ordered antibiotic therapy. The pediatrician discussed how to care for Tyler’s ears and since this was the fourth time the child had otitis media that it may be necessary to place tubes in his ears. What information should or should not be released in the patient portal?

Scenario D:

Bobby, a 16 year old male, was accompanied by his father to his family doctor’s office. The physician was concerned regarding a possible sexually transmitted disease based on symptoms. The patient was tested and counselled about sexual activity while the father waited in the waiting room. What information should or should not be released in the patient portal?

Scenario E:

Deborah, a 21 year old, has been experiencing involuntary jerking movements in her legs associated with gait (walking) impairment, difficulty swallowing at times, fatigue, and insomnia. She saw her family nurse practitioner (FNP) for these symptoms. The FNP discussed the need for a brain scan to rule out a tumor prior to sending Deborah for additional testing. The FNP ordered an MRI of the brain. The MRI was suspicious of Huntington’s disease. What information should or should not be released in the patient portal?

Expert Solution Preview

Introduction: Patient portals have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way for patients to access their medical information and communicate with healthcare providers. With new mandates from CMS and ONC relating to the 21st Century Cures Act, it is important for healthcare professionals to understand the implications of these regulations.

1. A patient portal is a secure online platform that allows patients to access their personal health information, such as medical records, test results, and prescription history. Patients can also communicate with their healthcare providers, schedule appointments, and request prescription refills through the portal.

2. Interoperability refers to the ability of different healthcare systems to communicate and exchange data with each other. In the context of a patient portal, interoperability ensures that the portal can access data from various healthcare providers and systems, and that the information is presented in a standardized format for easy understanding.

3. Information blocking is when healthcare providers intentionally or unintentionally prevent the sharing of patient information between different systems or providers. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as concerns about privacy and security, lack of technical capacity, or financial incentives. The 21st Century Cures Act aims to address information blocking to promote the free flow of patient information between healthcare providers and patients.

Based on CMS and ONC rules, all of the scenarios listed should have relevant information released to the patient portal, as long as it does not violate privacy laws or other regulations. Patients should have access to their own medical information in order to make informed decisions about their healthcare. However, it is important for healthcare providers to ensure that the information is presented in a way that is understandable and useful for patients, and to make sure that patients are informed about any potential risks or concerns related to their health information.

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