PUB 680 GCU Wk 1 The Goals for The Overall Practicum Experience Discussion


PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.

Read “Getting the Word Out: New Approaches for Disseminating Public Health Science,” by Brownson, Eyler, Harris, Moore, and Tabak, from Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (2018).


Read “When the Next Disease Strikes: How to Communicate (and How Not To),” by Sell, from Health Security (2017).


Read “Communication and Dissemination Strategies to Facilitate the Use of Health-Related Evidence” (2013), located on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website.


Read “Community Engagement,” in the Community Health Assessment Toolkit, located on the Association for Community Health Improvement website.


MUST haveat least 5 citations with the page numbers and 5 references in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism 

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As a medical professor, it is essential to create comprehensive assignments that will help students grasp various concepts and evaluate their performance. In addition, conducting lectures that are engaging, coupled with providing feedback through examinations and assignments, will ensure that college students thrive academically. Effective communication and dissemination of research findings, as well as community engagement, are also significant in promoting public health. This analysis will use readings such as “Getting the Word Out: New Approaches for Disseminating Public Health Science,” “When the Next Disease Strikes: How to Communicate (and How Not To),” “Communication and Dissemination Strategies to Facilitate the Use of Health-Related Evidence,” and “Community Engagement” in the Community Health Assessment Toolkit.

Question 1: What are the best approaches to disseminating health information to the public?

To ensure that public health science is disseminated effectively, various approaches can be used. One approach is developing partnerships with organizations and communities that share the same goals. Brownson et al. (2018) highlight that working with the media can help public health professionals to reach a broader audience. The authors also note that creating infographics and presenting research findings through social media can aid in sharing health information.

Secondly, it is crucial to engage the target audience and present the information in an accessible and understandable manner. Sell (2017) emphasizes that successful communication involves being transparent, proactive, and engaging and communicating consistently. Therefore, we should ensure that we develop messages that the target audience can relate to, stimulate interest, and incite behavioral change.

Question 2: How can communication strategies be used in disseminating health-related evidence?

Effective use of communication strategies can facilitate the dissemination and use of health-related evidence. One key method that can be used is developing clear and concise messages that capture the audience’s attention. According to Communication and Dissemination Strategies to Facilitate the Use of Health-Related Evidence (2013), plain language is critical in ensuring that target audiences can understand the information presented.

Secondly, developing partnerships with organizations that are trustworthy and well-known within the target audience can aid in disseminating health-related evidence. Additionally, utilizing various media platforms such as social media and webinars to communicate health-related evidence can enhance reach and engagement. Lastly, using community-based approaches such as involving healthcare providers in disseminating the evidence, can help in reaching the intended audience.

Question 3: What is the importance of community engagement in public health?

Community engagement is essential in promoting public health as it helps in identifying and addressing community health needs. The Community Health Assessment Toolkit highlights that involving community members in developing interventions can lead to higher rates of intervention success. Additionally, community engagement creates a sense of ownership, which can increase the uptake and effectiveness of health interventions (Community Health Assessment Toolkit, n.d).

Lastly, through community engagement, we can identify the social, economic, and cultural factors influencing health outcomes within a community. This knowledge can assist in designing interventions that can address the unique challenges that the community faces.


In conclusion, disseminating health information is critical in promoting public health. Effective communication strategies and community engagement are crucial in ensuring that public health interventions take root within the target population. Therefore, as medical professionals, it is essential to develop assignments that foster critical thinking and promote knowledge acquisition in public health interventions. It is also essential to provide feedback to college students through examinations and assignments to aid in academic growth.

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