Purdue University Bento County Community Health Improvement Plan Paper

Part 1

A. Summarize Benton County’s community health issues by doing the following:

1. Describe four priority health issues in the Benton County community.

2. Discuss an improvement goal (i.e., a desired health outcome) for each health issue discussed in part A1.

3. Discuss how each priority health issue aligns with both state and national priorities, as well as tribal priorities, if applicable.

4. Explain how you will involve stakeholders in the problem-solving process for the outlined health issues.

5. Provide a financial strategy that would support the needs of the community.

Part 2

B. Select any two of the four health issues from part A1 and design a community health improvement plan for Benton County tailored to those issues. Complete the attached “Community Health Improvement Plan Template” for Benton County for two of the four issues by doing the following:

1. State the priority health issue.

2. Provide a desired health outcome for the stated issue.

3. Outline short-term (1–2 years) and long-term (3–5 years) performance indicators that will be used to monitor changes in performance.

a. Identify the sources you will use to obtain information on these short-term and long-term indicators, as well as the frequencies of measurement.

4. Provide two SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) objectives that align with the outcome identified in part B2. Include the following:

● whether the objective is operational, transformational, or other

● evidence or data sources to support each objective

● whether the objective will lead to a policy change

Note: You may also choose to provide a link to any program sites as applicable.

5. Develop an action plan that outlines two to three steps needed to achieve each of the SMART objectives in part B4 by including the following:

Note: Each SMART objective will require an action plan that corresponds to it.

● a target date

● resources needed for the action

● the key/lead person who will initiate the action, provide direction for the work, or monitor progress

● the anticipated result

● how the progress of the action will be tracked

6. Explain your plan for sustaining change for the actions you have undertaken in each action plan.

Note: Repeat steps from parts B1–B6 for the second health issue or priority area selected.

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As a medical professor assigned with creating college assignments and answers for medical college students, I have been tasked to summarize Benton County’s community health issues and design a community health improvement plan customized to the health issues selected. In part 1A, I will describe four priority health issues in the Benton County community, discuss improvement goals for each health issue, explain how the priority health issues align with state, national, and tribal priorities, as applicable, and provide a financial strategy to support the needs of the community. In part 2B, I will select two of the four health issues and design a community health improvement plan tailored to each of the issues selected.

Part 1A:
1. Benton County’s community health issues include mental health, substance abuse, inadequate physical activity and poor nutrition, and lack of access to healthcare services.

2. The improvement goals for the health issues are as follows:
– Mental health: The improvement goal is to increase the number of individuals who receive mental health treatment from 30% to 50% within the first year of the health improvement plan and to further increase it to 75% within three years.
– Substance abuse: The improvement goal is to reduce the number of drug-related overdose deaths by 50% within two years and by 75% within five years.
– Inadequate physical activity and poor nutrition: The improvement goal is to increase the number of adults who engage in physical activities for at least 30 minutes daily and consume at least four servings of fruits and vegetables daily by 50% within two years and by 75% within five years.
– Lack of access to healthcare services: The improvement goal is to increase the number of individuals with health insurance coverage by 50% within two years and to reduce the number of individuals without a regular source of healthcare from 20% to 5% within five years.

3. The priority health issues in Benton County align with state and national priorities, as well as tribal priorities, where applicable. Mental health and substance abuse are state and national priorities. In contrast, inadequate physical activity and poor nutrition, as well as lack of access to healthcare services, align with national health objectives and state health priorities. Tribal priorities may involve cultural and traditional healing practices, and stakeholders will need to be consulted in such cases.

4. The involvement of stakeholders is crucial in the problem-solving process of outlined health issues. Some stakeholders include healthcare providers, community leaders, nonprofit organizations, state and local health departments, and individuals affected by the health issues. Engaging these stakeholders through regular community meetings, community-based participatory research, and community surveys will provide feedback on the effectiveness of the health improvement plan and ensure that it aligns with the community’s needs.

5. A financial strategy to support the needs of the community involves creating cost-effective health education programs, partnering with local businesses and nonprofit organizations, and seeking financial support from government funding and grants.

Part 2B:
1. The two priority health issues selected are mental health and lack of access to healthcare services.

2. The desired health outcomes are as follows:
– Mental health: increased access to mental health services, resulting in a 50% reduction in suicides and suicide attempts within two years and a 75% reduction within five years.
– Lack of access to healthcare services: increased health insurance coverage, resulting in a 50% reduction in emergency department visits for non-emergency concerns within two years and a 75% reduction within five years.

3. Short-term performance indicators for mental health include tracking the number of individuals receiving mental health services, suicides, and suicide attempts. Short-term performance indicators for lack of access to healthcare services include tracking the number of individuals with health insurance coverage, emergency department visits for non-emergency concerns, and uninsured individuals. Long-term performance indicators for both health issues include tracking the reduction in suicides, suicide attempts, and emergency department visits for non-emergency concerns.

4. SMART objectives for mental health and lack of access to healthcare services include:
– Mental health: operational objectives include increasing mental health service utilization by 50% within one year through increased outreach and education. Transformational objectives include reducing the stigma associated with mental illness by 50% within two years through targeted education programs. Objectives will be supported by data from mental health service providers and community surveys. The objective will not lead to a policy change.
– Lack of access to healthcare services: operational objectives include increasing the number of individuals with health insurance coverage by 50% within one year through outreach and education. Transformational objectives include advocating for policy changes to expand healthcare coverage to underserved populations within three years through partnerships with healthcare advocacy groups. Objectives will be supported by data from healthcare providers and insurance agencies.

5. Action plans for SMART objectives include:
– Mental health: operational objective – increase mental health service utilization by 50% within one year through increased outreach and education. Action plan steps include creating public awareness campaigns to reduce stigma, collaborating with community leaders to increase referral services, and expanding mental health treatment services in rural areas. Lead persons include public health educators, community mental health service providers, and social workers.
– Lack of access to healthcare services: operational objective – increasing the number of individuals with health insurance coverage by 50% within one year through outreach and education. Action plan steps include partnering with local businesses to provide education and access to healthcare coverage, developing partnerships with healthcare advocacy groups to advocate for policy changes, and partnering with healthcare providers to expand healthcare coverage to low-income populations. The anticipated result is increased health insurance coverage and reduced emergency department visits for non-emergency concerns. Lead persons include public health educators, healthcare providers, and insurance agents.

6. The plan for sustaining change for the actions undertaken involves regular monitoring and evaluation of the health improvement plan’s progress. Through community feedback mechanisms, stakeholders’ involvement, and continuous data collection, gaps in the health improvement plan will be identified, and necessary adjustments will be made to ensure its effectiveness. The sustainability of the plan will also rely on continued partnerships with community-based organizations, healthcare providers, government agencies, and insurance providers.

In conclusion, addressing Benton County’s health issues requires coordinated efforts from various stakeholders, including the community, healthcare providers, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Designing a community health improvement plan customized to the specific health issues using SMART objectives and action plans will provide a clear path towards addressing the health issues’ priority. Regular monitoring, evaluation, and adjustments are necessary for the sustainability of the health improvement plan.

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