1. What information may Linda provide when asked about the record?

Linda is the HIM director at Mercy Hospital. She is served with a subpoena duces tecum, directing her to appear at the law offices of John Jansen, Attorney at Law, for a deposition that will take place in two weeks. Mr. Jansen’s office is 100 miles from Mercy Hospital.

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Introduction: As a medical professor responsible for creating assignments and evaluating student performance, it is important to understand the legal responsibilities and obligations that medical professionals may encounter. One such scenario could involve a subpoena duces tecum, as outlined in the following question.

Answer: Linda, the HIM director at Mercy Hospital, has been served with a subpoena duces tecum, which requires her to appear at the law offices of John Jansen, Attorney at Law for a deposition. This type of subpoena is used in legal proceedings to require individuals to produce documents or other physical evidence, as well as to testify under oath. In this case, Linda is being summoned to provide testimony in a deposition that is taking place 100 miles from Mercy Hospital.

It is important for Linda to comply with the subpoena, as failure to do so may result in legal consequences such as fines or jail time. Additionally, it is important for her to seek legal guidance and support to ensure that she follows all necessary procedures when providing testimony. As a medical professional, Linda must prioritize patient confidentiality and follow all applicable laws and regulations when providing any documentation or testimony.

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