DDHA 8750 Walden University Earning Trust and Loyalty Mini Case

I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

How might health care leaders establish trust and loyalty in their health care organization? What strategies might health care leaders employ in order to assert themselves as responsible for and capable of leading change forward?

As a current or future health care executive, your ability to articulate motivation, moving a path forward, and leading change will be necessary to ensure the success of your health care organization. A successful health care executive must be mindful of the perceptions of his or her staff and how to best address trust and loyalty when organizing new changes in health care delivery.

For this Discussion, review the mini-case as presented in Chapter 5 of Dye & Garman (2015). Reflect on the case and consider how you, as a current or future health care executive might support or oppose strategic change.

Post your position on whether you support or oppose strategic change based on the mini-case, and explain why. Be sure to justify your position with support from the Learning Resources and outside research. Then, explain how you might implement health care executive leadership strategies for your health care organization or one with which you are familiar. Be specific and provide examples.

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Introduction: As a health care leader, it is essential to establish trust and loyalty within the organization and employ strategies to assert oneself as responsible for leading change forward. In this discussion, we will reflect on a mini-case presented by Dye and Garman (2015) and explore how we, as health care executives, can support or oppose strategic change and implement leadership strategies to ensure the success of our organizations.

Answer: Health care leaders can establish trust and loyalty within their organization by creating a culture of transparency and open communication. Leaders should communicate with their staff and involve them in decision-making processes to foster a sense of ownership and accountability for the organization’s success. Additionally, leaders should strive to create a work environment that values diversity and promotes teamwork and collaboration. This can be achieved by providing opportunities for professional development, recognizing individual achievements, and promoting work-life balance.

To assert themselves as responsible for leading change forward, health care leaders can employ various strategies, such as creating a sense of urgency and building a strong coalition of stakeholders. Leaders should communicate the need for change, its benefits, and the risks of not changing. They should engage stakeholders by involving them in the change process and addressing their concerns. By building a strong coalition, leaders can leverage the power of their stakeholders to implement change successfully.

Regarding the mini-case presented by Dye and Garman (2015), I support strategic change. The case highlights the importance of developing a strategic plan that aligns with the organization’s vision and goals. The organization needs to diversify its revenue streams, increase its patient base, and enhance its services to remain profitable and competitive in the market. To support this change, I would involve all stakeholders in the strategic planning process, communicate the need for change, and provide resources to support the implementation of the plan. Additionally, I would establish performance metrics to evaluate the success of the plan continually.

In implementing health care executive leadership strategies, I would create a culture of trust, transparency, and open communication. I would involve staff in decision-making processes to foster a sense of ownership, develop a shared vision for the organization, and recognize individual achievements. I would use my influence to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion and promote a work environment that values teamwork and collaboration. Finally, I would set clear goals and expectations, establish performance metrics, and provide resources to support staff in achieving them. Overall, these strategies would help ensure the success of the organization in achieving its goals and delivering high-quality, patient-centered care.

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