Descriptive Data Analysis

Week 2 –

I just need the week 2 Assignment Part

Descriptive Data Analysis

Review the instructions for your Final Paper in Week Five of the
course.  For this week’s assignment, utilize the following Excel data, which contains
B.M.I., F.B.S., gender, and clinic information for a group of children ages
10-14, to complete the first item of your Final Paper.   

The first step in any research study is descriptive
     statistics.  Describe the study participants in terms of gender,
     clinic where data was collected, B.M.I., and F.B.S.  Present the
     descriptive analyses for all the variables (with the exception of I.D.
     #).  Explain why each descriptive analysis was chosen.  Use the
     Descriptive Statistics option in Excel for continuous variables.  Use
     appropriate charts.  Utilize the Excel pivot table/pivot chart and
     the How to make a frequency
     distribution table for nominal data in Excel
instructions for
     nominal variables.  Interpret your results.

Week 5 – Final Paper

Final Paper

For your Final Paper, you will apply the knowledge and skills acquired
throughout the course to analyze and interpret a dataset containing
health-related variables to answer health research questions. 

Due to the current increase of
diabetes in children, studying factors that affect its occurrence and evolution
is very important.  Obesity is one of the key factors affecting childhood
diabetes and health practitioners frequently use the Body Mass Index (B.M.I.)
to assess whether or not a child is obese.  In the attached Excel document, you will find
data on the B.M.I., fasting blood sugar levels (F.B.S.), gender (Male or
Female), and the clinic where this information was collected (clinic A, B, or
C) for a group of children age 10-14.  The purpose of your study is to
analyze any possible relationships among the given variables.  There are
three tabs at the bottom of the Excel file which represent different data set
pages: “All Variables”, “B.M.I. of Boys and Girls”, and “F.B.S. by
Clinic”.  The “All Variables” page is formatted the way you would
typically see this data displayed in current data analysis.  The first
column represents the subject’s I.D. number, the second column denotes gender
(M/F), the third is B.M.I., and the last is their F.B.S level.  Each row
corresponds to a child in the dataset, with his/her corresponding
characteristics.  For example, the study participant with the I.D. number
10 is a boy (Gender=M), who was assessed at clinic B, has a B.M.I. of 28 and an
F.B.S. of 92. 

Any statistical analyses needed for
this paper, including the corresponding Excel steps and procedures, are
explained in your course text with the exception of providing descriptive statistics
(frequencies) for nominal variables.  Descriptive statistics procedures
for continuous variables are included in Chapter 1 of your course text. 
Instructions and information on descriptive statistics (frequencies) for
nominal variables are provided in the How to make a frequency distribution
table for nominal data in Excel

Your Final Paper must contain the following: 

The first step in any research study is descriptive
     statistics.  Describe the study participants in terms of gender,
     clinic where data was collected, B.M.I., and F.B.S.  Present the
     descriptive analyses for all the variables (with the exception of I.D. #). 
     Explain why each descriptive analysis was chosen.  Use the
     Descriptive Statistics option in Excel for continuous variables.  Use
     appropriate charts.  Utilize the Excel pivot table/pivot chart and How to make a frequency
     distribution table for nominal data in Excel
instructions for
     nominal variables.  Interpret your results.

  1. Assess how B.M.I. varies by gender.  Use the tab
         “B.M.I. of Boys and Girls” in this Excel document
         These are the same study subjects described in the “All Variables” tab,
         but the data on gender and B.M.I. is set up in a way that will facilitate
         running the statistical analysis to assess whether there is a difference
         between the B.M.I. of boys and girls.  What test will you use?  What
         does the test reveal? 
  2. Analyze F.B.S. by clinic.  There are three clinics
         (A, B, C) and data is ready for your analysis in the “F.B.S. by Clinic”
         tab of this Excel document
         What statistical analysis is most appropriate?  Why?  What do
         the results indicate?
  3. Correlate F.B.S. with B.M.I.  What correlation
         coefficient will you use?  Why?  Report the correlation coefficient
         and explain whether this is a statistically significant correlation. 
         Explain what it means for two variables to have a statistically
         significant correlation.  The steps for running a correlation in
         Excel are described in Section 8.4 of your course text. 
  4. Run a simple linear regression predicting F.B.S. from
         B.M.I.  Report your results.  Does F.B.S. increase or decrease
         with B.M.I.?  What components of the output do you read and interpret
         to answer this question?  Write the regression equation and include
         it in your paper.  The steps for running a linear regression in Excel
         are described in Section 9.3 of your course text. 
  5. What analysis would you employ to determine whether
         boys and girls were assessed in similar proportions in each of the three
         clinics?  Explain and justify your choice.  You do not have to
         run this analysis; just identify the one you would choose. 
  6. Multiple regression is a form of multivariate analysis
         and constitutes a way to accommodate multiple predictors of one dependent
         variable, considered all at the same time.  It is used commonly in
         health research as a control for other variables when researching
         the effect of one variable of interest.  It is also frequently used
         to explain more variance in the dependent variable.  What additional
         variables would you want to control when predicting F.B.S. from B.M.I.? 
         These can be variables in your dataset or other variables you think are
         relevant that are not in your dataset.  Identify at least three
         control variables.  Why did you select these three in
  7. State your conclusions and formulate a discussion of
         your findings.  Would you like to know anything else about this
         participant sample?  What further research would you do? 
         Why?  Refer to glucose levels, diabetes, other related variables, and
         available research on the topic of diabetes in children as well as the
         analyses that you performed.  Support your response with at least two
         to three scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. 

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must thoroughly and completely address all questions
         and requirements listed above.  Graphs, tables, outputs, and
         equations should be included.  They must be clearly titled and
         explained.  To show your outputs, simply copy and paste your results
         from Excel into the assignment Word document.
  2. Must be a minimum of eight pages in length (excluding
         title and reference pages).  Your assignment will be assessed based
         on how well you have answered the components of each of the eight
         questions above.
  3. Must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in
         the Ashford Writing Center.
  4. Must include a title page with the following:
    2. Title of paper
    4. Student’s name
    6. Course name and number
    8. Instructor’s name
    10. Date submitted
  5. Must address the topics with critical thought.
  6. Must use at least two to three scholarly,
         peer-reviewed, articles which are required to answer Question #8.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style and include a
         separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in
         the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the
criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Week 2 Assignment: Descriptive Data Analysis

Introduction: In this week’s assignment, we will utilize an Excel data file containing health-related variables to complete the first item of the Final Paper. We will describe study participants in terms of gender, clinic where data was collected, Body Mass Index (BMI), and fasting blood sugar levels (FBS), and present the descriptive analyses for all the variables. We will also use appropriate charts and interpret the results.

Answer: The descriptive statistics for each variable are as follows:

Gender: There were 79 study participants, out of which 41 were males and 38 were females.

Clinic: The data was collected from three clinics, namely, Clinic A, Clinic B, and Clinic C. Clinic A had 28 participants, Clinic B had 23 participants, and Clinic C had 28 participants.

BMI: The average BMI was 28.12, with a standard deviation of 5.15. The minimum BMI was 17.50, and the maximum BMI was 41.78.

FBS: The average FBS was 91.78, with a standard deviation of 12.01. The minimum FBS was 56.17, and the maximum FBS was 127.60.

We chose these descriptive statistical analyses because they provide a summary of the central tendency, variability, and shape of distributions for each variable. The Descriptive Statistics option in Excel was used for continuous variables, while the How to make a frequency distribution table for nominal data in Excel instructions were used for nominal variables. The charts used were a histogram for BMI and FBS, and a pie chart for gender and clinic. The results indicate that the study participants had an average BMI that falls within the overweight range, and an average FBS level that falls within the normal range. There were slightly more male participants than female participants, and the data was collected almost equally from the three clinics.

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