Discuss ethical dilemmas that may arise when balancing individual

Understand equality, diversity and rights in health and social care,Explain how rights are promoted in health and social care services 1.3 Discuss ethical dilemmas that may arise when balancing individual rights and duty of care,Understand how to work in an inclusive way,


1:1: Define the words. Define- state the meaning of the words. Equality add supports the legal framework and allowing choice and respect, inclusion add allowing people to feel valued, respected and included, Diversity add it is the value of differences and how we celebrate these differences, Discrimination is treating people unfairly due to their characteristics and include all the protected characteristics.

1:2: Provide detailed information about the subject with reasons showing how or why. Responses could include examples to support these reasons.

1:3: Give specifics examples of an ethical dilemma.

This could be cultural values or individual choices, an understanding of each dilemma. Conflicts that may arise when balancing individual rights and duty of care e.g. safeguarding, cultural values, Individual choices etc.

2.1 Add details as this is an explain question. You should include about treating everyone fairly, creating an inclusive environment, ensuring all policies and procedures promote equality and diversity, equal access to opportunities and freedom.

2.2 Add more detail as this is a describe question. You need to include about discussing with the manager if required, do not ignore it, ensure they know it is wrong, work with them to show them how it is wrong, help them to gain an understanding of why it is important to work inclusively, making duties clear and ensuring training opportunities. Describe – Write about the subject giving detailed information in a logical way. Explain -provide detailed information about the subject with reasons showing how or why. Responses could include examples to support these reasons. 2.3: Detail as this is an explain question. The criteria you need to include is about working with them, sharing information about the people the work with, role model working, consistent with the law, honest and trustworthy character, strong communication and working in a group – team work. 

#Discuss #ethical #dilemmas #arise #balancing #individual

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