How does this shift in disease treatment and management affect hospital functionality, health and medicine homework help

Consider how the shift from acute-care diseases, managed primarily in hospital settings, to more emphasis on chronic disease affects hospitals.

How does this shift in disease treatment and management affect hospital functionality?

How does this affect health careers found in hospital environments?

Explore the implications of this shift for hospitals from the perspective of a future employee in a hospital environment. How will this impact your career choices?

APA requirements: Please provide links for your sources and they cannot be over 5 years old. No Plagiarisms!

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As healthcare systems evolve, the treatment and management of diseases also progress. One such shift is from acute-care diseases, primarily focused on hospital settings, to chronic disease management. This evolution has implications for hospital functionality and the healthcare careers found in such environments.

1. How does this shift in disease treatment and management affect hospital functionality?
The shift from acute-care to chronic disease management affects hospital functionality in multiple ways. Hospitals may need to adjust their resources to accommodate a higher number of patients who require long-term care. This can include increasing staffing levels, resources allocation, and infrastructure changes. Hospital administrators may need to devise new strategies to manage chronic diseases, such as implementing patient education programs, enhancing telemedicine services, or community outreach programs. Chronic disease management also necessitates extended hospitalization, leading to a higher volume of patients, occupying beds for long periods, and increased demand for outpatient services.

2. How does this affect health careers found in hospital environments?
With the shift to chronic disease management, health careers found in hospital environments may change. Professionals specialized in chronic disease care, such as primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and registered nurses, may be more in demand than those in the acute-care setting. Hospitals may also require an increase in allied health professionals such as physical, occupational, and respiratory therapists, as chronic disease management requires coordinated care across multiple disciplines.

3. Explore the implications of this shift for hospitals from the perspective of a future employee in a hospital environment. How will this impact your career choices?
The shift to chronic disease management may impact career choices in the hospital environment. Future employees may require enhanced and diverse skills to support the demands of chronic disease management, such as data analytics, community outreach, and patient education. Professionals such as nurses and social workers will need to provide comprehensive care, highlighting health promotion and disease prevention interventions, as opposed to the traditional symptoms-focused care that is prevalent in acute-care settings.

From a future employee’s perspective, this shift demands a broader knowledge base and a deeper understanding of patients’ needs, highlighting the importance of a multifaceted approach to disease management. Therefore, professionals who are skilled in interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation, and patient-centered approaches may have better career prospects in the evolving healthcare environment.

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