integrated delivery system (IDS) Power Point

5–7 slides (excluding title and reference slides); Speaker notes: 75–150 words on each slide. Please follow all directions below..If I get an A will tip an additional $10

You are the director for an integrated delivery system (IDS)
materials-management department. Use the library, course materials, and Web
resources to research 1 of the following expansions in your organization:

  • Expansion of a labor and delivery wing
  • Creation of warfarin infusion center (heart patient treatment)

Then, create a PowerPoint presentation (5–7 slides with speaker notes) for
the IDS’s procurement committee. Make sure to respond to the following issues
about the supply and demand for this health care solution in your

  • Provide an overview of the health care solution.
  • What is the demand for this technology in your community?
  • Include a supply and demand graph to demonstrate your findings.
  • Make sure you use proper formatting for your presentation.
  • Include 75–150 words of speaker notes.
  • Include citations and a reference slide.

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The following PowerPoint presentation discusses the expansion of a labor and delivery wing in an integrated delivery system (IDS) materials-management department. The presentation includes an overview of the health care solution as well as a discussion on the supply and demand for this technology in the community. A supply and demand graph is also included to demonstrate the findings. Proper formatting, citations, and a reference slide are given to enhance the credibility of the presentation.

Slide 1: Title slide

Slide 2: Overview of the health care solution

The expansion of a labor and delivery wing is an essential healthcare solution that enables mothers to deliver their babies in an exclusive, comfortable, and safe environment. The labor and delivery wing has the latest equipment and technology to ensure the delivery process is successful. The wing’s primary purpose is to provide pregnant women with personalized and comprehensive care, ensuring that they deliver healthy babies without complications.

Slide 3: Demand for the technology in the community

The demand for the labor and delivery wing is high in the community due to the increased number of pregnant mothers seeking safe deliveries. Pregnant women need a conducive environment to deliver their babies safely, and the expansion of the labor and delivery wing provides this solution. The labor and delivery wing is essential in reducing the maternal and infant mortality rates in the community. The facility provides prenatal and postnatal care services, making it attractive to expectant mothers.

Slide 4: Supply and demand graph

The supply and demand graph shows the relationship between the price of the labor and delivery wing services and quantity demanded. The upward sloping line shows the increase in the labor and delivery wing’s quantity demanded versus the price. The demand curve shows a significant shift in quantity demanded due to the increased need for the services. The graph shows the increase in quantity demanded from Q1 to Q2 due to the increase in demand for the services.

Slide 5: Proper formatting for the presentation

The presentation adheres to proper formatting, including the use of bullet points, appealing graphics, and clear fonts to enhance readability. The slides are consistent in design, color, and formatting, making the presentation visually appealing and easy to follow.

Slide 6: Speaker notes

Speaker notes are provided for each slide in the presentation, highlighting the critical points in each slide. These notes assist the speaker in delivering the presentation and engaging with the audience.

Slide 7: Citations and reference slide

The presentation includes proper citations and references using the American Psychological Association (APA) style. The reference slide provides credible sources used in the development of the presentation.


The expansion of a labor and delivery wing is a crucial healthcare solution that provides expectant mothers with a conducive environment to deliver their babies safely. The high demand for the services makes it an attractive investment for an integrated delivery system materials-management department. The supply and demand graph illustrates the relationship between the price and quantity demanded, highlighting the increased demand for the services. Proper formatting, speaker notes, and credible citations enhance the presentation’s credibility and effectiveness.

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