Pharmacist, Module 01 Course Project help

It is time to submit your final course project. Be sure to review the Module 01 Course Project – Introduction.

For your final paper, you will write a 3-4 page paper that explains
the work environments of the technicians you interviewed, what are the
technicians’ roles in this work environment and what is the pharmacist’s
role, what did the technicians tell you about their jobs, what they
like and what they don’t like about their jobs. You will analyze what
you gained from the experience and compare the two environments and
include which setting you would prefer to work in.

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Question: What should be included in the final paper for the course project?

Answer: The final paper for the course project should be a 3-4 page paper that explains the work environments of the technicians who were interviewed, their roles in the work environment compared to the pharmacist’s role, and their personal views on their jobs. The paper should also include an analysis of the experience gained from interviewing the technicians and a comparison of the two work environments, with a statement on which setting the writer would prefer to work in.

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