Quality Matters, Case Study Analysis Case 1 help

To complete this assignment read the
following article:

Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico
Improves Care Quality and Patient Satisfaction While Reducing Costs

Complete a detailed case study
analysis of the given case, using the process described in the following
chapter of your course textbook Strategic Management of Health Care

From the Backmatter section of your
book, please read:

  • Appendix A Analyzing strategic health care cases

Your completed case study analysis
report will include the following sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Body of the case report
    • Key issues
    • Situational analysis
    • Strategy formulation
    • Recommendation
    • Implementation strategies
    • Benchmarks for success and contingency plans

Where not all pertinent information
is given in the case itself, search for that information through the South
University Online Library, or perform a Web search for the required
information. Note: Do not search for information beyond the date of the

For the situational analysis you are
encouraged to provide visual presentation of data in your situational analysis
and use the analysis tools from your textbook and other analysis tools you have
used in your program, such as trend analysis, stakeholder analysis, etc.

Present your case study analysis
report in a Microsoft Word document, formatted in the headings and subheadings
given above.

Submit your report in two steps. First, submit a
preliminary report with the key issues, situational analysis, and strategy
formulation. Then, submit the complete report with recommendation,
implementation strategies, benchmarks, and executive summary.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria


Key Issues: Key issues are complete and clearly explained.


Situational Analysis

External environment analysis
includes detailed service area competitive analysis.


Internal environment analysis
includes strengths and weaknesses with respect to resources, competencies,
and capabilities.


Directional strategies are


Strategy Formulation: Adaptive, market entry, and competitive strategies are
developed and supported with rationale.


Recommendation: Alternatives are practical, specific, and related to key


Implementation Strategies: Service delivery and support strategies are linked to
directional, adaptive, and market entry and competitive strategies.


Benchmarks for Success: Measurements for success are clearly identified.


Expressed ideas clearly in
writing, used appropriate visual presentation of data, and presented the case
study analysis report in the specified format.


Applied the correct APA style,
usage, grammar, and punctuation.




Expert Solution Preview

The given assignment requires a detailed case study analysis of the Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico. As a medical professor, I would suggest that the students first read the given article and then analyze the case using the process mentioned in the course textbook, Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. The report should be presented in the specified format and must include all the necessary sections. The following are the answers to the given content:

1. What is the purpose of the Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico?

The purpose of the Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico is to provide hospital-level care to eligible patients in the comfort of their own homes. The program aims to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase patient satisfaction. The program focuses on providing high-quality healthcare services to patients with acute illnesses who meet specific eligibility criteria. The program takes advantage of technological advancements and provides comprehensive care through remote monitoring and telecommunication.

2. What are the key issues in the case of the Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico?

The key issues in the case of the Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico are as follows:

– The need for hospital-level care for eligible patients in the comfort of their own homes.
– The challenge of providing comprehensive care and monitoring to patients remotely.
– The need for specialized technological equipment and trained healthcare professionals to deliver care through telecommunication.
– The financial implications of the program and its impact on healthcare costs.
– Regulatory challenges and the need to comply with state and federal laws and regulations.
– The need to evaluate the success of the program and its impact on patient outcomes, cost, and satisfaction.

3. How can the Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico achieve its goals?

The Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico can achieve its goals through the following strategies:

– Developing a strong network of healthcare professionals with specialized expertise in delivering care through telecommunication.
– Providing specialized training to healthcare professionals delivering care through telecommunication to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality care.
– Investing in technological advancements to provide remote monitoring and comprehensive care to patients in their homes.
– Developing a comprehensive evaluation framework to assess the impact of the program on patient outcomes, cost, and satisfaction.
– Developing partnerships with payers and providers to ensure that the program’s financial implications are sustainable and cost-effective.
– Ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations governing the program.

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