RES 709 UP Wk 7 Research Design and Research Method Questions

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Question 1:

Review pp. 11-20 of Ch. 1, “The Selection of a Research Approach,” of Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches and the CDS Dissertation Guide.

Provide a minimum 250- to 300-word substantive response on the difference between a research method and a research design. Then list three quantitative and three qualitative research designs and briefly explain each one.

Choose one potential research design and discuss how this design might be appropriate for your study. Be sure to include APA in-text citations and references from the weekly overview as well as other sources.

Question 2:

Review the information on Research Designs in the CDS Dissertation Guide.

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

How might one of the applied research designs presented in the Dissertation Guide be appropriate for your research plan?

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As a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students, it is essential to understand the difference between research methods and research designs and how they relate to the field of healthcare. Additionally, it is important to consider the appropriateness of different research designs for various research plans.

Answer to question 1:
Research methods and research designs are two different concepts in the world of research. Research methods refer to specific techniques used to collect data or information that will help answer research questions. On the other hand, research designs are the overall plans used to structure studies and to show how different research methods will come together to answer research questions.

Three examples of quantitative research designs include experimental research, quasi-experimental research, and observational descriptive research. Experimental research involves manipulating variables to determine the effects on the outcome of interest. Quasi-experimental research, while similar to experimental research, does not allow for the random assignment of participants due to various reasons. Observational descriptive research involves observing and recording behaviors or phenomena without manipulating any variables.

Three examples of qualitative research designs include ethnography, grounded theory, and case study research. Ethnography involves studying the culture of a group of people or community through observation and interviews. Grounded theory involves developing new theories based on data from interviews and observation. Case study research involves in-depth analysis of one specific case or phenomenon.

One potential research design that might be appropriate for a healthcare study could be observational descriptive research. This design would be useful when trying to understand the prevalence of a specific health condition or behavior. For example, observational descriptive research could be used to study the prevalence of smoking in a specific population, and the data collected could be used to develop strategies to reduce smoking rates.

Answer to question 2:
One applied research design that could be appropriate for a healthcare research plan includes survey research. This research design involves collecting data from a sample of individuals through questionnaires or interviews. Survey research can be used to collect information on attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and demographics of individuals related to specific healthcare issues.

For example, if one were interested in studying the acceptance and attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccinations among healthcare workers, survey research could be used to collect this information. The survey questions could be designed to explore attitudes towards the vaccine, reasons for accepting or declining the vaccine, and the importance of the vaccine in reducing the spread of the virus.

In conclusion, choosing the appropriate research design is dependent on the research questions being asked and the type of data that will be collected. Understanding the difference between research methods and research designs is crucial in designing effective research studies in the healthcare field.

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