What valuable lessons about writing effectively have you learned as a

Writing project 4

Cover Letter

Minimum 150 words (successful cover letters are often longer)

Address letter to your instructor

Answer at least 3 of the 6 questions below; (where applicable) provide brief, specific examples of the following in your cover letter:

What is your primary motivation or purpose for writing your draft? Who is your intended audience? What revisions did you make in order to improve how you accomplish this purpose and/or appeal to this audience?

What feedback did you receive from your peers? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft?

What feedback did you receive from other sources, such as your instructor or tutors? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft?

What have you decided to revise in your draft, apart from feedback you received? Why? How do these revisions improve your draft?

What problems or challenges did you encounter while writing or revising your draft? How did you solve them?

What valuable lessons about writing effectively have you learned as a result of composing this project?

Place the cover letter at the beginning of your final draft, before the first page of your actual essay draft; delete your purpose statement.

Your Final Draft

An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy developed in Writing Project 3.

Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy

Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately interpreted

Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made

Opposing views that are accurately presented and effectively refuted with reasons and evidence

A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively guides readers through the arguments being made

Use of evidence from sources (at least 10 quotations and/or paraphrases), clearly discernible from each other and from the writer’s voice and cited using correct in-text citations

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