AH356 Week 5 Discussion

Week 5

Most organizations utilize
some form of content filtering software. Unfortunately, such software has been
known to block access to legitimate sites. 

After learning more about such software, do you believe that content filtering
should be based on level or responsibility within the organization or should
there be a blanket policy in place that affects everyone the same?

Your healthcare
organization is looking at increasing security access to some of its
information databases. Discuss some of the pros and cons of 

implementing a biometric access control system.  

Expert Solution Preview

Introduction: As a medical professor responsible for creating assignments and evaluating student performance, it is important to consider relevant topics in the healthcare industry. In this week’s discussion, we will explore content filtering software and biometric access control systems.

Answer to question 1: In my opinion, content filtering software should be based on level responsibility within the organization. Different departments or individuals may require access to certain websites for legitimate purposes, and a blanket policy may hinder their ability to perform their job effectively. By assigning access based on responsibility, organizations can ensure that access is restricted only when necessary and increase productivity.

Answer to question 2: Implementing a biometric access control system can provide a more secure environment for healthcare information databases. Biometric systems can prevent unauthorized access, reduce the risk of identity theft, and increase accountability. However, there are also potential downsides to consider, such as the cost of implementation and maintenance, the risk of false positives or negatives in identifying individuals, and the possibility of system failure causing delays in access to critical information. Overall, healthcare organizations should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of implementing a biometric access control system before making a decision.

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