George Washington University Skills & Knowledge From GCH Classes Presentation Reflection

Instructions: Your final reflection should have three parts.

1. What skills and knowledge from your GCH classes did you apply to developing your solution to the case? Please be specific and detailed. 

2. What did you learn as you developed your solution? This could include new skills and knowledge that are particular to public health or skills and knowledge in other areas, such as group work or presentation skills.

3. Reflect on your final presentation, its content, and the process your group used to develop your presentation. What did you do well? What could you have done better?  

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As a medical professor, it is my responsibility to create assignments and provide feedback to medical college students. In this assignment, students are required to reflect on the skills and knowledge they applied to developing their solution to a case, and the new skills and knowledge they have gained throughout the process. Additionally, they are asked to reflect on their final presentation and evaluate what was done well and what could have been improved.

1. What skills and knowledge from your GCH classes did you apply to developing your solution to the case? Please be specific and detailed.

In developing a solution to the case, students applied several skills and knowledge acquired from the GCH classes. One primary skill is critical thinking, which helped students identify and analyze the problem and evaluate possible solutions. Another skill is communication, which helped students articulate their ideas and collaborate effectively with their group members. Students also applied knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics, which helped them assess the prevalence of the issue, gather relevant data, and analyze the statistics. Lastly, students applied knowledge on health promotion and disease prevention, which helped them craft feasible and sustainable solutions to the case.

2. What did you learn as you developed your solution? This could include new skills and knowledge that are particular to public health or skills and knowledge in other areas, such as group work or presentation skills.

As students developed their solutions, they gained new skills and knowledge in various areas. One is leadership skills, as they learned how to delegate tasks and coordinate with their peers to achieve a common goal. Another is research skills, as they learned how to gather and analyze data, and integrate them into their solution. Students also developed their creativity and innovation skills, as they brainstormed new ideas and solutions that were feasible and sustainable. Lastly, they gained presentation skills, as they learned how to deliver their solutions effectively through a clear and concise presentation.

3. Reflect on your final presentation, its content, and the process your group used to develop your presentation. What did you do well? What could you have done better?

In evaluating the final presentation, students did well in delivering a clear and concise presentation that effectively communicated their solution. The content was well-organized and relevant to the issue, and the visuals were effective in supporting the presentation. However, some areas for improvement include providing more detailed information on the implementation of the solution and addressing potential challenges that may arise. Furthermore, the process used to develop the presentation could be improved by allocating more time for practice, addressing potential conflicts early on, and ensuring that all group members had equal participation.

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