SEU Issues Around the Adoption of eHealth in the Kingdom Presentation

eHealth Adoption  

Create a PowerPoint presentation that reviews four peer-reviewed articles written in the last five years on the issues around the adoption of eHealth in the Kingdom. Your presentation should contain the following concepts. Discuss at least 4 of the following perceptions that physicians may have that could be causing them to hesitate in using this technology. 


Technical support available

Increased workload

  • User-friendly technology
  • Staff attitudes
  • Cost
  • Patient privacy
  • Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:
  • Be 10-12 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides.
  • Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines. 

Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. These citations should be listed in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external. 

Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes to support the slide content. These should be a minimum of 100 words long (per slide) and must be a part of the presentation. The presentation cannot be submitted in PDF format, which does not make notes visible to the instructor. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials. 

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The adoption of eHealth technology in the Kingdom has been a topic of discussion in recent years. As a medical professor, it is important to understand the perceptions that physicians may have towards using this technology and the issues surrounding its adoption. This PowerPoint presentation will review four peer-reviewed articles written in the last five years on the issues around the adoption of eHealth in the Kingdom and will discuss at least four perceptions that physicians may have that could be causing them to hesitate in using this technology.


Perceptions that Physicians May Have That Could Be Causing Them to Hesitate in Using eHealth Technology:

1. Usefulness:
Physicians may perceive eHealth technology to be less useful than traditional methods of treatment. They might believe that the technology does not enhance patient care or improve health outcomes, leading to their hesitation in using it.

2. Technical support available:
Physicians may also be hesitant about the adoption of eHealth technology due to inadequate technical support. They might fear that they lack the necessary training to operate the technology, leading to failed attempts and poor patient care.

3. Increased workload:
Another perception that physicians may have is that eHealth technology will increase their workload. This could be due to the time required to learn how to operate the technology or the additional administrative work that comes with its use.

4. User-friendly technology:
Physicians may also find eHealth technology to be less user-friendly than traditional methods of treatment. They might have difficulty navigating the technology or may feel that it is not intuitive, which can be a significant barrier to its adoption.

Understanding the perceptions that physicians have towards eHealth technology is important in addressing the issues surrounding its adoption. By addressing these perceptions, we can improve the adoption and use of eHealth technology, which can lead to enhanced patient care and improved health outcomes.

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