The Biopsychosocial Paradigm Powepoint 4-5 slides

Topic:  The Biopsychosocial Paradigm

For this presentation, create an interesting and educational PowerPoint presentation, which contains a critical narrative that integrates aspects of the various theories with your individual sociocultural experiences. 

To begin, create a PowerPoint presentation of four to five slides (excluding title and reference slides). Research each theory fully so that you can effectively synthesize information relevant to these topics. Your presentation must include at least three scholarly sources that are cited in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. For help with finding scholarly resources for your presentation view the tutorial on searching for articles from the Ashford University Library.

Please see the following instructions for creating your content.

  • Select one of the following theories as your main focus and use it to compare the other two theories: the biopsychosocial paradigm, person in environment (PIE) perspective, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory.
  • Provide a discussion on how the environment impacts humans, including examples of how this theory shows that your environment impacts your life. Please do not include anything you are uncomfortable sharing with your instructor.
  • Provide secondary summary slides with descriptions of the other two theories.
  • Incorporate appropriate images, tables, graphs, or other visuals as necessary.

Please observe these general guidelines for your visual presentation. This link contains tips for creating effective slide presentations.

  • Slides should be sequenced and organized clearly.
  • Slides should show a clear and logical progression of ideas.
  • Slides should include bullet points or short sentences, not dense paragraphs.
  • Slides should include relevant visuals such as images, graphs, tables, data summaries, sound, and/or animation that enhance understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships.
  • Slides should include appropriately formatted APA citations for all information taken from your resources.
  • The presentation as a whole should include a consistent theme, format, and font to assist with readability.
  • Must be four to five slides (excluding title and reference slides).
  • Must include a title slide with the following:
    • Title of the presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
    • URL for your screencast presentation
  • Must begin with a content slide that provides a summary of the main theory as it relates to an experience of how environment impacts life.  A succinct thesis statement must be present, either in the text on the slide or clearly stated in the speaker’s voice over for the screencast.
  • Must include slide(s) of the two perspectives of how environment impacts human beings.
  • Must include example(s) of how the social/environmental perspective impacts one’s life, using each of these three perspectives.  Use specific life experiences to demonstrate these impacts (e.g., a child with autism and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory). Who is affected by this disorder and how?  Consider micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
  • Must include images and text that tastefully convey the message presented on each slide.
  • Must utilize to create a screencast video presentation that presents each slide in more detail.
  • Must use at least three scholarly resources.

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The Biopsychosocial Paradigm, Person in Environment (PIE) perspective, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory are three theories that explain how environment impacts human beings. In this presentation, we will focus on the Biopsychosocial Paradigm and compare it with the other two theories. We will discuss how the environment impacts humans and provide examples of how these theories show that the environment impacts life.


To begin, let’s discuss the biopsychosocial paradigm. This paradigm suggests that human health and wellness are affected by three components: biological, psychological, and social factors. These three factors are interconnected and influence each other.

When we talk about the environment, we are referring to all the factors that influence an individual outside of their own body. This includes physical surroundings, social interactions, culture, and economic factors. All these factors play a significant role in shaping an individual’s health and well-being.

For example, a person who lives in a polluted environment may develop respiratory problems. A person who is surrounded by supportive friends and family may experience better mental health. A person’s socioeconomic status can affect their access to healthcare and the quality of the healthcare they receive.

Now, let’s discuss how the biopsychosocial paradigm compares with the PIE perspective and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory.

The PIE perspective focuses on the relationship between a person and their environment. It suggests that humans are influenced by their social, physical, cultural, and economic environment. The PIE perspective also emphasizes the importance of understanding an individual’s unique experiences and perspectives.

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, on the other hand, suggests that human development is influenced by several levels of environmental factors, ranging from the individual’s immediate surroundings to larger societal structures. This theory recognizes that individuals exist within a complex web of environmental factors that all interact to shape human development.

In conclusion, the biopsychosocial paradigm, PIE perspective, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory all suggest that environmental factors play a significant role in shaping human health and development. While each theory has its unique perspective, they all emphasize the importance of understanding the relationship between an individual and their environment.

Expert Solution Preview

The Biopsychosocial Paradigm suggests that human health and wellness are affected by three components: biological, psychological, and social factors. The environment, including physical surroundings, social interactions, culture, and economic factors, plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s health and well-being. The PIE perspective and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory also emphasize the importance of understanding the relationship between a person and their environment, acknowledging the complex web of environmental factors that shape human development. While each theory has its unique perspective, they all highlight the significance of environmental factors in shaping human health and development.

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