What specific health conditions increase the risk of malnutrition?

The Summary must include the following headings (See rubric for criteria under each heading): a. Introduction and Key Points (10 Points) Choose one of assigned Topics and Question; Defines the Topic and Question; States why it is a problem; Information presented in logical sequence. b. Article Search (25 Points) Current and credible resource; Database search-terms and methods; Number of articles located; Source outside of ATI module. c. Article Findings (25 Points) How it addresses the topic; Type of Research conducted; Findings of research; Why this article chosen. d. Evidence for Practice (25 Points) Summary of evidence; How it will improve practice; How will this evidence decrease a gap to practice; Any concerns or weaknesses located in the evidence e. Sharing of Evidence (25 Points) Summary of evidence; How it will improve practice; How will this evidence decrease a gap to practice; Any concerns or weaknesses located in the evidence f. Conclusion (20 Points) Summarizes the theme of the paper; Information presented in logical sequence; All key points addressed; Conclusion shows depth of understanding. g. APA Style (10 Points) h. Writing mechanics (10 Points) No spelling errors; No grammatical errors, including verb tense and word usage; No writing errors, including sentence structure, and formatting; Must be all original work.

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