Excelsior College Ethics and Patient Information Questions

I’m studying and need help with a Health & Medical question to help me learn.

Part I: Patient Information

In your opinion.

  • How much information should a healthcare professional document in a patient’s medical record? An extensive amount? The bare minimum? Explain how you’d determine what amount of documentation should be included in a patient’s medical record.

Part II: Ethics and Patient Information

Apply what you know.

In our discussion this week, instead of viewing an ethical dilemma selected for our discussion, you will be asked to locate an episode of a popular medical show, a segment of which illustrates an ethical dilemma relating to medical records, EMRs, or medical technologies. If you do not have access to medical shows or would prefer, you can select a newspaper article which describes the ethical dilemma or a scene from a popular movie showing the ethical dilemma.

In your initial post, you will describe the scenario selected and apply the below questions to your scenario, starting with the first question:

I’ll guide us through. We will discuss the questions as a group, starting with the first question:

  1. Describe your chosen scenario in detail. What are the ethical dilemmas presented in this scenario?
  2. Who are the stakeholders? Remember to consider individuals, families, communities, and organizations in your answer.
  3. What would your recommendations be to address the ethical dilemmas that you have identified. Consider and include each applicable component below in your response:
    • Ethical principles
    • Ethical theories
    • PYTHON principle
    • Six step process (Doherty & Purtilo) for ethical decision-making
    • Federal or state laws which may apply

Expert Solution Preview

Introduction: As a medical professor, it is important to understand the importance of patient privacy and ethical considerations when it comes to documenting patient information. In this response, we will discuss the amount of information that should be included in a patient’s medical record and provide recommendations for addressing ethical dilemmas relating to patient information.

Part I: Patient Information
In my opinion, healthcare professionals should document an extensive amount of information in a patient’s medical record. This includes information on the patient’s medical history, any medications or treatments they have received, and any current health concerns or complaints. It is important to have a detailed record of a patient’s medical history to ensure that healthcare professionals are equipped with the information they need to provide appropriate care. However, it is also important to ensure that patient privacy is protected. Healthcare professionals should only document information that is relevant to the patient’s care and should take steps to safeguard this information.

Part II: Ethics and Patient Information
Scenario: In the television show Grey’s Anatomy, a patient’s medical record is leaked to the press, revealing their HIV positive status. The hospital is facing backlash from the patient and the public, who are outraged that private medical information has been made public.

1. The ethical dilemma presented in this scenario is the breach of patient privacy and the potential harm caused to the patient as a result of the leak.
2. The stakeholders in this scenario include the patient, the hospital, the healthcare professionals involved, the press, and the public.
3. To address this ethical dilemma, I would recommend the following:

– Ethical principles: The principle of autonomy should be applied, ensuring that the patient’s right to privacy and control over their medical information is respected.
– Ethical theories: The theory of deontology suggests that healthcare professionals have a moral duty to respect patient privacy and confidentiality.
– PYTHON principle: The principle of honesty should be applied, with the responsible parties admitting to the leak and taking steps to correct the situation and prevent future breaches.
– Six-step process: This process involves identifying the ethical issues, gathering information, clarifying values, identifying options, choosing an option, and implementing and evaluating the decision. In this scenario, the ethical issue is a breach of patient privacy, and the options could include admitting to the leak and taking corrective action, offering support and compensation to the patient, and implementing stronger privacy and security measures to prevent future breaches.
– Federal or state laws: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of patients’ medical information. The responsible parties in this scenario could face legal consequences for the breach of confidentiality.

Overall, it is important for healthcare professionals and organizations to prioritize patient privacy and take appropriate measures to protect confidential medical information. Ethical considerations and legal requirements should be taken into account when making decisions relating to patient information.

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