HC 450 Herzing University Week 1 Electronic Health Records Vendor Comparison Paper

Unit 1 Assignment – Comparing Vendors

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 40
  • Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload


  • Visit the online certified EHR directory at and click Browse all to search.
  • Select a minimum of 3 vendors who appear to offer similar technology solutions.
    • Define a set of criteria/attributes to evaluate the 3 vendors.
    • Once you have developed the criteria, investigate these vendors and prepare a report that compares and contrasts them on your predefined criteria or attributes.
  • Submit your report for grading. Your report can be submitted in Microsoft Excel or Word format.
  • Reminder: You must upload your completed document using Browse My Computer. Then, hit the Submit button to successfully complete the assignment submission process. Do not copy and paste text into the text box.


Unit 1 Assignment – Comparing Vendors

Unit 1 Assignment – Comparing Vendors


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

20.0 pts

Level 5

Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors.

18.0 pts

Level 4

Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement, thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed.

16.0 pts

Level 3

Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial.

14.0 pts

Level 2

Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement or related contextual factors.

12.0 pts

Level 1

Demonstrates the ability to explain contextual factors but does not provide a defined statement.

0.0 pts

Level 0

There is no evidence of a defined statement.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisPRICE-P

10.0 pts

Level 5

Organizes and compares evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

9.0 pts

Level 4

Organizes and interprets evidence to reveal patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

8.0 pts

Level 3

Organizes and describes evidence according to patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

7.0 pts

Level 2

Organizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing patterns, differences, or similarities.

6.0 pts

Level 1

Describes evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.

0.0 pts

Level 0

Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting

5.0 pts

Level 5

The paper exhibits an excellent command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling.

4.5 pts

Level 4

The paper exhibits a good command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics or spelling with minor grammatical errors that impair the flow of communication.

4.0 pts

Level 3

The paper exhibits a basic command of written English language conventions. The paper has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communication.

3.5 pts

Level 2

The paper exhibits a limited command of written English language conventions. The paper has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communication.

3.0 pts

Level 1

The paper exhibits little command of written English language conventions. The paper has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the writing to discern meaning.

0.0 pts

Level 0

The paper does not demonstrate command of written English language conventions. The paper has multiple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader difficulty in discerning the meaning.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I

5.0 pts

Level 5

The required APA elements are all included with correct formatting, including in-text citations and references.

4.5 pts

Level 4

The required APA elements are all included with minor formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

4.0 pts

Level 3

The required APA elements are all included with multiple formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

3.5 pts

Level 2

The required APA elements are not all included and/or there are major formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

3.0 pts

Level 1

Several APA elements are missing. The errors in formatting demonstrate a limited understanding of APA guidelines, in-text-citations, and references.

0.0 pts

Level 0

There is little to no evidence of APA formatting and/or there are no in-text citations and/or references.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 40.0

Expert Solution Preview


In this assignment, medical college students are required to compare and contrast three vendors who offer similar technology solutions. The students must use the online certified EHR directory and develop a set of criteria/attributes to evaluate the vendors. The report should be submitted in Microsoft Excel or Word format.


To compare and contrast the three vendors, students must first develop a set of criteria/attributes to evaluate the vendors based on. The criteria must be relevant to the technology solutions offered and provide insight into their effectiveness. Here are some potential criteria/attributes that could be used to evaluate the vendors:

1. User interface and ease of use
2. Customization options
3. Technical support options and availability
4. Integration with other systems
5. Cost and pricing options
6. Security features and options
7. Reporting and analytics capabilities
8. Compliance with industry standards and regulations

Once the criteria have been established, the students must investigate each vendor for information relevant to the criteria. The report should include a comparison and contrast of the vendors using the criteria/attributes selected. The report should also contain a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each vendor.

To submit the report, students must use Browse My Computer and upload the document in Microsoft Excel or Word format. It is important not to copy and paste text into the text box. Students must pay attention to English language conventions and use APA formatting for in-text citations and references.

Overall, this assignment allows students to evaluate different vendors and technology solutions available in the market, using their research and analysis skills.

Expert Solution Preview

To effectively compare and contrast three vendors that offer similar technology solutions, a set of criteria/attributes must first be established. These criteria should be relevant to the technology solutions offered and provide insight into their effectiveness. Potential criteria that could be used include user interface and ease of use, customization options, technical support options and availability, integration with other systems, cost and pricing options, security features and options, reporting and analytics capabilities, and compliance with industry standards and regulations. After developing the criteria, students should investigate each vendor for relevant information and prepare a report that compares and contrasts the vendors using the criteria/attributes selected. The report should also include a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each vendor. To successfully submit the report, students must use Browse My Computer and upload the document in Microsoft Excel or Word format, while also paying attention to English language conventions and using APA formatting for in-text citations and references.

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