HC 450 Herzing University Week 2 New Decision Support System Discussion

Unit 2 Discussion

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Discussion: Unit 2, Due Wednesday by 11:59 pm CT


  • This week’s review involves the use and development of decision support systems. If you were the HIM manager of an acute care facility, how would you approach a project in developing a new decision support system to support a quality improvement initiative? What types of activities and tools would you use a guide to explore and select the new system?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Peer Response: Unit 2, Due Sunday by 11:59 pm CT


  • Always construct your response in a word processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors. Make the corrections and save the file to your computer.
  • Find the post that you are going to reply to.
  • Submit your peer response.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

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As a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students, I have extensive knowledge on the use and development of decision support systems in healthcare facilities.


If I were the HIM manager of an acute care facility, I would approach a project in developing a new decision support system to support a quality improvement initiative by following a step-by-step process. Firstly, I would identify the specific quality improvement initiative that requires a decision support system and the stakeholders involved. Then, I would gather information about existing decision support systems and their functionalities.

Next, I would involve the stakeholders in the selection process by getting their inputs on the specific features they expect from the new decision support system. These inputs could be gathered through surveys, focus group discussions, or interviews. Based on the information gathered, I would establish the requirements for the new decision support system and create a Request for Proposal (RFP) document.

The RFP document would include a description of the quality improvement initiative, technical specifications, vendor requirements, and evaluation criteria. After receiving proposals from potential vendors, I would evaluate them against the established criteria and shortlist the most suitable systems.

Finally, I would organize demonstrations of the shortlisted systems for the stakeholders to observe the functionality and usability of the systems. The stakeholders’ feedback would be considered in making the final decision, and the selected system will be implemented with proper training and ongoing support.

In conclusion, the approach to developing a new decision support system in healthcare facilities requires a systematic process that involves identifying the stakeholders, gathering information, establishing requirements, creating an RFP, evaluating proposals, and involving stakeholders in decision making. The outcome of this approach will result in the selection of the most appropriate system that will effectively support quality improvement initiatives.

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