Herzing Staff Role and Employment Electronic Medical Records Paper

Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

Each member of staff needs an assigned role in the EMR implementation project.


  • Identify a role and duties for each staff member for the transition process (three physicians, one nurse practitioner, three MA’s and the front office individual and duties in the transition process. Take into consideration job duties of each person and the time required in the clinic performing those duties. Remember, each member of staff needs to play a role in the implementation and change process.
  • Detail the duties and responsibilities of each role.
  • For ideas on the roles and responsibilities in a time of change, view the following resource, Creating a Leadership Team for Successful EHR Implementation (Links to an external site.)
  • Complete additional research as necessary (3 references, minimum)

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Regarding the EMR implementation process, it is essential to identify the roles and responsibilities of each staff member involved in the transition process. Every member of the staff must contribute to the implementation and change process to ensure a smooth and successful transition. This answer will identify the roles and duties of three physicians, one nurse practitioner, three MA’s, and front office personnel.

The three physicians in the clinic are essential in ensuring a successful transition process. They should oversee the implementation of the EMR and ensure that each step is in line with their practice’s objectives and goals. Other duties include:

– Work with the EMR vendor to customize templates and workflow to meet the clinic’s needs
– Assess the clinic’s readiness for the implementation of the EMR and ensure that all staff members are on board with the new system
– Provide adequate training and support to staff members during the transition process
– Monitor the implementation progress and address any concerns or challenges that may arise

Nurse Practitioner:
The nurse practitioner will play a crucial role in ensuring patient care is not compromised during the EMR implementation process. Duties of the nurse practitioner include:

– Oversee the clinical implementation of the EMR and ensure that it aligns with the best practices for patient care and safety
– Train clinical staff on how to use the EMR system and assist in troubleshooting any technical issues that may arise
– Collaborate with the physicians and other staff members on the implementation process to ensure that patient care is not impacted

Medical Assistants:
The three Medical Assistants (MA’s) will be involved primarily in the implementation of the EMR system’s clinical aspects. The duties of the MAs include:

– Assist in training other clinical staff on how to use the EMR system
– Ensure that all clinical processes and operations are modified and adapted to the new EMR system
– Work with the physicians and nurse practitioners to ensure that patient care is not adversely affected during the transition process

Front Office Personnel:
The front office personnel will be involved primarily in the administrative implementation of the EMR system. The duties of front office personnel include:

– Ensure that all patient information is accurately and efficiently entered into the new EMR system
– Ensure that appointment scheduling and billing systems are appropriately modified to integrate with the new EMR system
– Work with the clinical staff to ensure that patient care is not adversely affected during the transition process

1. HealthIT.gov. (2017). Creating a Leadership Team for Successful EHR Implementation. Retrieved from
2. American Medical Association. (2018). Best Practices for EHR Implementation in All Practice Settings. Retrieved from
3. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2018). EHR Incentive Programs: Stage 3 Requirements Overview Tipsheet. Retrieved from

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