HIM 435 Discussion

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Health care data comes in many different forms and may be managed by individuals from many different departments. The concept of data stewardship is governed by the philosophy that the collection, viewing, storage, exchange, aggregation, and analysis of data is done within a system of accountability. This system is usually part of a larger quality management program.

For this discussion, you will assume the role of a data steward for a large health care facility with multiple departments. In your initial post,

Define and describe health data stewardship.

Identify who should practice data stewardship in an acute hospital or a large provider practice and why.

Describe specific practices suggested for data stewardship. Include a minimum of three best practices, explained in detail.

Explain the importance of health data stewardship.

Describe what you will do as the health data steward to ensure that personal health information (PHI) is put to appropriate uses and misuses are prevented.

Reflect on how data stewardship has changed as the health care industry progresses to the electronic health record.

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In today’s healthcare environment, patient data is recorded, processed, and stored electronically, creating numerous challenges for healthcare organizations. It is critical to ensure that healthcare data is managed appropriately by designated personnel to ensure patient data security and privacy. The following answers will help to describe health data stewardship, who should practice data stewardship in an acute hospital or a large provider practice, the importance of health data stewardship, specific practices suggested for data stewardship, what health data stewards can do to make sure that personal health information (PHI) is put to appropriate uses, and the changes in data stewardship as the healthcare industry moves to electronic health records.


1. Define and describe health data stewardship:

Health data stewardship is the process of collecting, processing, storing, exchanging, aggregating, and analyzing health data while ensuring that these activities are performed within a system of accountability. Under this system, a designated individual or team is accountable for managing data assets throughout their lifecycle, from creation to destruction. The primary objective of health data stewardship is to ensure that individuals, departments, or organizations use health data efficiently and effectively while maintaining data integrity, security, and privacy.

2. Identify who should practice data stewardship in an acute hospital or a large provider practice and why:

In an acute hospital or a large provider practice, healthcare data stewardship falls on individuals, departments, and data governance committees responsible for managing data assets. Healthcare data stewardship is essential for managing electronic health records, billing systems, patient portals, and other related technologies. In addition to this, healthcare data stewards should also oversee data privacy and security policies, manage audit trails, and monitor compliance with state and federal regulations to reduce the risk of data breaches.

3. Describe specific practices suggested for data stewardship. Include a minimum of three best practices, explained in detail:

a. Develop a comprehensive data governance policy: Developing a comprehensive data governance policy involves creating guidelines for managing critical data assets throughout their lifecycle. This policy defines data standards, data quality procedures, data access procedures, and data asset inventory. It should also document roles and responsibilities for each data steward.

b. Conduct regular data audits: Regular data audits are an essential part of data stewardship. It ensures that healthcare data is accurate, complete, and up-to-date, reducing the risk of data breaches. Data audits can also help identify vulnerabilities in data security protocols, ensuring that preventative measures are taken to mitigate the risk of data loss.

c. Implement data encryption: Encrypting sensitive healthcare data is a best practice in data stewardship. Encryption involves translating electronic data into a code that is unreadable without a decryption key. Implementing encryption technology can help keep private information secure, ensuring that patient data is not compromised.

4. Explain the importance of health data stewardship:

Health data stewardship is critical for maintaining patient data security and privacy while enabling efficient and effective decision-making processes. Health data stewards ensure that healthcare data is managed appropriately to provide clinicians with accurate and relevant patient data while ensuring that data privacy and security remain paramount. Effective healthcare data stewardship can also ensure that healthcare organizations remain compliant with regulatory requirements.

5. Describe what you will do as the health data steward to ensure that personal health information (PHI) is put to appropriate uses, and misuses are prevented:

As a health data steward, I will ensure that access to PHI is granted only to authorized personnel with a legitimate need to access that information. I will develop policies and procedures that regulate the collection, use, and disclosure of PHI. I will also monitor and audit access logs to identify potential security breaches, take corrective action when necessary, and report security incidents.

6. Reflect on how data stewardship has changed as the health care industry progresses to the electronic health record:

Data stewardship has undergone significant changes as the healthcare industry has progressed towards electronic health record (EHR) adoption. With the widespread adoption of EHRs, healthcare organizations now have access to vast amounts of patient data, creating new challenges for healthcare data stewards. Healthcare data stewards must now balance the need for data access with patient privacy and security concerns. The rise of big data analytics has also led to new data stewardship challenges, including establishing data governance principles for handling large data sets.


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