PHRE 5345 WK2 Pharmacy Profession Role in Contemporary Times Reflection Paper

Week #2 Reflection

Reflect on the content assigned for Week #2 using the below questions as a guide, at a minimum:

    • What do you think are the most important impact points of this time period on today’s practice?
    • How do think things would be different if Pharmacy during the Colonial Time was modeled more on the continental European practice vs. English practice? (Hint: look at chapters on Germany, France, Italy, Spain)
    • Locate additional resources for the content of Week #2. Describe what you found.
    • How effective was the PowerPoint material in presenting this information?
    • What other relevant questions would you ask about this content?

At least 1-2 cited sources.

2 pages required.

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The medical field is constantly evolving, and it is crucial for medical college students to understand the historical context of medical practices to comprehend the significance of current practices. As a medical professor, it is my responsibility to design and conduct appropriate lectures and assignments that provide students with an in-depth understanding of medical history. In this assignment, I will answer several questions related to the Week #2 content assigned to the medical college students.

Question 1: What do you think are the most important impact points of this time period on today’s practice?

One of the most significant impact points of this time period on today’s practice is the development of the pharmaceutical industry. During the Colonial Time, apothecaries, who were responsible for preparing and dispensing medications, were not regulated. The lack of regulation led to variations in medication quality and ultimately the formation of the American Pharmaceutical Association in 1851. Today, this association is responsible for setting medication standards and regulations.

Another impact point was the introduction of medical education in America in the 18th century. Medical education in America started with apprenticeship-based training, which was later replaced by university-based training. This shift led to standardized medical education, which is still followed today.

Question 2: How do think things would be different if Pharmacy during the Colonial Time was modeled more on the continental European practice vs. English practice?

If Pharmacy during the Colonial Time was modeled more on the continental European practice, it would have had an enormous impact on pharmaceutical regulations in America. Continental European practice focused on strict regulations, quality control, and standardized production methods, which would have led to higher medication standards in America. Consequently, the increase in regulations could have reduced the number of illnesses caused by poor medication quality during that time.

Additional Resources:

Additional resources for Week #2 content include “A Social History of Medicine” by Joan Lane and “Medicine in Colonial America” by Oscar Reiss. These resources include further information on medical and pharmaceutical practices during the Colonial Time.

Question 3: How effective was the PowerPoint material in presenting this information?

The PowerPoint material was effective in presenting the Week #2 content because it provided an overview of critical events and practices during the Colonial Time. The material was visually appealing, concise, and helped students comprehend the significant impact points of this time period on the current medical practices.

Question 4: What other relevant questions would you ask about this content?

Some relevant questions related to the Week #2 content include: What were the limitations of medical treatments available during the Colonial Time? What role did colonial pharmacists play in the development of modern-day pharmaceuticals? How did the colonial government regulate medical and pharmaceutical practices?


In conclusion, medical history is a crucial aspect of medical education, and it is essential to comprehend various historical factors that have shaped the current medical practices. As a medical professor, providing appropriate lectures and assignments is necessary to ensure that medical college students are equipped with the necessary knowledge to succeed in their future careers.

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