Rasmussen College Intake Packet for New Patients Letter Writing Task & Presentation


  • Evaluate public health policies and practices as they relate to legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations.
  • Analyze health needs, disparities, and healthcare delivery systems within the context of cultural, social, legal, political, and economic forces.
  • Examine the structure of the U.S. legal system and government as it relates to ethics, law, and core principles of public health.
  • Assess current legal and ethical principles and the application of such principles in healthcare practice.
  • Analyze ethical and legal dilemmas that healthcare workers may encounter in the medical field.
  • Examine legal requirements for managing patient information, health information documentation, the release of information, and electronic health records.


You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year there were approximately 62,000 emergency visits and 15,000 admissions. More than 6,000 outpatient and 10,000 inpatient surgeries were performed.

You have been asked by the CEO to create an intake packet for new patients that will help establish patient trust. Once you’ve created this packet, the CEO wants you to send an email to all hospital employees letting them know about the intake packet. You will also create a PowerPoint reviewing intake packet details for the hospital to post on its website to inform patients


This is a great opportunity to tie everything together that you have learned! Let’s break this up into 3 parts. Deep breath – it’s easier than it seems!

Part 1: Intake Packet

  • Create a New Patient Letter in a business letter format. (Here is a library resource for help writing a business letter.)
  • In the letter:
    • Explain the importance of ethics
    • Explain why each part of the packet is included and how the packet is to be used
    • Include a HIPAA/Confidentiality statement and a Privacy Pledge
    • Add a line at the bottom of the form for the patient to sign acknowledging receipt
  • On a separate page, include your reference list in APA format.

Part 2: PowerPoint

  • Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that explains the various elements of the new patient intake packet. (Here is a library resource for help creating a PowerPoint presentation.) Make sure to use the notes section below each slide to expand on the key points.

Part 3: Email

  • Write an email in a Word document that will be sent out to all hospital employees making them aware of the intake packet.  


Expert Solution Preview

As a health services manager, you have been tasked with creating an intake packet for new patients that will establish patient trust. This packet will be disseminated to all hospital employees through an email, and a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the packet details will be posted on the hospital’s website to inform patients. Additionally, you are required to create a new patient letter in a business letter format, including reasons why each part of the packet is included and the importance of ethics. This assignment will enable students to demonstrate their competencies in evaluating legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations, assessing current ethical and legal principles in healthcare practice, and analyzing ethical and legal dilemmas that healthcare workers may encounter in the medical field.


Part 1: Intake Packet

Creating the New Patient Letter in a business letter format is essential to establish clear communication between the hospital and patients. The letter should be written in simple language, easy to understand, and include all the relevant information a new patient would need to have. The following are the key elements that must be included:

1. Explain the importance of ethics: In the New Patient Letter, it’s essential to stress the importance of ethics in healthcare. The letter should include an explanation about the hospital’s commitment to ethical principles and how it will always prioritise patient care over financial gain.

2. Explain why each part of the packet is included and how the packet is to be used: The New Patient Letter should explain why each part of the intake packet is included and how it is to be used. Each section should be clearly defined and described in a way that’s easy to understand. This will help the patients to fill out the form accurately, and they will know what to expect from each section.

3. Include a HIPAA/Confidentiality statement and a Privacy Pledge: One of the most crucial aspects of the intake packet is patient confidentiality. The New Patient Letter must include a statement about HIPAA and the confidentiality of the patient’s information. Also, a Privacy Pledge should be included, which ensures patients that their information will not be disclosed to anyone without their permission.

4. Add a line at the bottom of the form for the patient to sign acknowledging receipt: A line should be added at the bottom of the form for the patient’s signature, acknowledging receipt of the packet. This is vital as it indicates that the patient received and understood the contents of the packet.

Part 2: PowerPoint

Creating a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation explaining the various elements of the new patient intake packet requires careful consideration. The following are the key points that should be covered:

1. Importance of ethics in healthcare.

2. Description of each section of the packet and how to fill it out accurately.

3. Patient confidentiality and the hospital’s commitment to HIPAA.

4. Privacy Pledge.

5. Acknowledgment of the patient’s receipt of the packet.

Students should use the notes section to expand on each slide’s key points, providing further details as required.

Part 3: Email

The email sent to all the hospital employees should be clear, concise, and to the point. The following are some points to consider:

1. Explain why the new patient packet is important.

2. Outline what the packet includes.

3. Highlight the importance of confidentiality and patient privacy.

4. Encourage hospital employees to promote the packet to new patients.

The email should be easy to understand and encourage hospital employees to spread the message to new patients.

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