Remington College Tampa Campus ?Lifelong Learning is Part of Nursing Practice Paper


Evaluate the importance of personal and professional lifelong learning, including the interrelationships of clinical reasoning and clinical judgment.


As a BSN prepared Registered Nurse, you are due to renew your license for the first time. You and your manager overhear other nurses complaining about the continuing education requirement. Your manager suggests you create a handout for the staff lounge bulletin board regarding the importance of lifelong learning as it pertains to clinical reasoning and judgment. To help you get started, she suggests you read the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report titled The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2010) so that you will understand “why” it is so important.


Read Section 4 of the IOM report (2010) titled Transforming Education and respond to the following questions in a Word document.

Describe an initiative that resulted from the IOM report.

Discuss the impact of the identified initiative.

Summarize the interrelationships that exist between lifelong learning, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment.

  • Provide clearly stated detailed description of an initiative that resulted from the IOM report that includes a national, state or local initiative.
  • Provide clearly stated, detailed summary of the impact of the identified initiative, including the impact of nursing, nursing education, healthcare facilities, and client care.
  • Provide clearly stated, detailed summary of the interrelationships that exist between lifelong learning, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment.

Do not use 1st person in scholarly writing. Use 3rd person only. APA format. Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present. Adequate references with adequate in text citation. Please do this assignment using only research published within the past 5 years. Plagiarism free

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Continuous personal and professional development through lifelong learning is essential in healthcare, especially in the nursing profession, to improve patient care outcomes and keep up with advancements in technology and research. As a BSN prepared Registered Nurse, it is important to understand the interrelationships between clinical reasoning and clinical judgment in healthcare and their importance in lifelong learning. This essay will evaluate the significance of lifelong learning, the interrelationships between clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, and the initiative that resulted from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report.

Initiative Resulted from the IOM Report:

The IOM report titled The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2010) identified the need for nursing education reform to transform the nursing profession through a highly educated and diverse nursing workforce. The initiative that resulted from this report was the Campaign for Action. The Campaign for Action was launched in 2010 as a joint initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and AARP in partnership with the AARP Foundation and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The Campaign for Action aims to advance healthcare through nursing, increasing the number of nurses with higher education degrees, and promoting lifelong learning among nurses.

Impact of the Identified Initiative:

The identified initiative, Campaign for Action, has had a significant impact on nursing, nursing education, healthcare facilities, and client care. The initiative has resulted in increased enrollment in nursing schools and an increase in the number of baccalaureate-prepared nurses. This has resulted in better patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and increased patient satisfaction. Furthermore, healthcare facilities are more likely to achieve Magnet status when more nurses are formally educated, leading to better patient care outcomes. Lifelong learning opportunities are now made more accessible to nurses, ensuring that they continuously improve their knowledge and clinical judgment skills to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Interrelationships of Lifelong Learning, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment:

Lifelong learning, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment demonstrate an interconnected relationship in healthcare. Clinical reasoning is the process of analyzing clinical information to develop diagnoses and treatment plans. Clinical judgment is the application of critical thinking and decision-making skills in nursing practice. Lifelong learning plays an important role in enhancing clinical judgment and reasoning skills by providing nurses with new knowledge and the skills necessary to apply this knowledge to patient care.


Lifelong learning is necessary for nurses to develop and maintain clinical reasoning and clinical judgment skills. The Campaign for Action initiative that resulted from the IOM report has had a positive impact on nursing education, healthcare facilities, and patient care outcomes. Nursing professionals must engage in lifelong learning to continuously improve their abilities and offer quality patient care.

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