Strayer University Employee Benefits and Motivational Theories Discussion Paper

Employee Benefits

7. Analyze at least two roles that human resources management plays in selecting necessary employee benefits. Next, determine the degree to which employee feedback has impacted the selection of these benefits.

8. Motivational Theories

Select two motivational theories as they apply to health care. Then, assess the impact of the chosen theories on related health care human resources issues.

9.Unions in Healthcare

Evaluate two cases that illustrate the degree to which unions have affected health care clinical and administrative providers, such as nurses or clinic staff. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.

10. Dispute Resolution

Assess two different dispute resolution methods in terms of their suitability for use within health care organizations.

11.8. In this week’s readings you learned about symbolism in art; specifically, Henry Sayre’s interpretation of the “Arnolfini Portrait” in Chapter 16, Figs. 16.7–16.8. If you were having a portrait painted of yourself with a significant person in your life, what four items would you include and why? Explain why those items are symbolic to you.

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12,9. In next week’s assignment, you will visit a museum or gallery or create your very own online museum for others to enjoy. To prepare for this, discuss why museums and galleries matter in our modern world. Outside of preservation, why is it essential that we support museums and galleries?

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13, 10. Explain whether you prefer the representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto, Veronese, or Leonardo da Vinci. Why?

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The following are answers to questions related to various topics in human resources management, motivational theories, unions in healthcare, dispute resolution, and art symbolism. As a medical professor, it is essential to understand these topics and their application to medical college students’ careers.

7. Human resources management plays a crucial role in selecting employee benefits by analyzing the organization’s workforce needs and aligning them with the benefits package. The roles have to identify the compensation package for all employees and ensure that it complies with legal requirements and is competitive with the market. Human resources management also negotiates with insurance companies and benefits administrators to secure the best rates and policies. Employee feedback has become a crucial element in selecting necessary employee benefits. By soliciting feedback, the organization can gain insight into employee needs, preferences, and areas that need improvement to tailor employee benefits to fit their needs.

8. Two motivational theories as they apply to health care are Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. Maslow’s theory suggests that people have five basic needs that must be met, including physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Herzberg’s theory proposes that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction come from different factors, including hygiene factors, such as salaries, job security, and working conditions, and motivators, such as recognition, responsibility, and advancement opportunities. These theories have an impact on related healthcare human resources issues, including recruitment and retention, training and development, performance appraisal, and employee engagement.

9. Unions have significantly affected healthcare clinical and administrative providers, such as nurses or clinic staff, in various cases. For instance, the California Nurses Association conducts strikes to demand improved work conditions, including safe nurse-to-patient ratios and better compensation packages. The National Union of Healthcare Workers has been involved in lawsuits against healthcare facilities, such as Kaiser Permanente, over working conditions and patient care issues. These cases illustrate the degree to which unions have affected healthcare providers by highlighting their ability to influence working conditions, salaries, and benefits packages.

10. The two different dispute resolution methods suitable for use in healthcare organizations are negotiation and mediation. Negotiation involves the parties coming together and agreeing on a solution that meets each party’s needs and wants. Mediation is a process where a third party helps parties communicate and understand each other’s perspectives and reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. Both methods can be used effectively in healthcare organizations, depending on the nature and complexity of the conflict. Negotiation is more suitable for simple disputes, while mediation is ideal for conflicts that may require more complex solutions that meet everyone’s needs.

11.8. If I were having a portrait painted of myself with a significant person in my life, the four symbolic items I would include are a stethoscope, a book, a camera, and a globe. The stethoscope represents my passion for medicine and my desire to help people attain good health. The book represents my love for learning and the constant pursuit of knowledge. The camera symbolizes my passion for nature and photography, which gives me joy and relaxation. Lastly, the globe represents my global perspective and appreciation for different cultures, which I believe is essential in today’s interconnected world.

12,9. Museums and galleries matter in our modern world because they provide a platform for preserving and collecting the world’s cultural, artistic, and scientific heritage. They enable us to appreciate and understand the past and present of human creativity, knowledge, and innovation. Additionally, museums and galleries provide educational, social, and economic benefits to society by serving as an educational resource, tourist attraction, and cultural hub. Therefore, it is essential to support museums and galleries by visiting, donating, volunteering, and advocating for their importance in society.

13, 10. Out of the three representations of The Last Supper by Tintoretto, Veronese, and Leonardo da Vinci, I prefer Leonardo da Vinci’s version. Leonardo’s version provides a more humanistic portrayal of the event, with the apostles’ reactions to Jesus’ pronouncement of betrayal and Peter’s protestations. The use of color, composition, and lighting creates a dramatic effect that highlights the significance of the event. Additionally, the attention to detail, such as the intricate patterns on the tableware and the folds of the clothing, demonstrates the artist’s mastery of the form.

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