The University of Alabama Communication Within Healthcare Organizations Paper

Question 1: How could TeamSTEPPS be incorporated into the various areas in which you practice? Would this type of culture change be welcomed? From an organizational view, would these concepts be easy to introduce? What would be the concerns? From a clinical view, would these concepts be easy to introduce? What would be the concerns?

Question 2: How would these methods of communication benefit patient safety, conflict resolution, teamwork, and/or a shared mental model?
Please locate an additional resource (published within the last five (5) years) that addresses the measurement impact of one of these elements in a specific clinical or administrative area of your interest (Psyhiatry/Mental health) to support your thoughts.
Please attach this additional resource to your main post.

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In the field of medical education, incorporating innovative and effective teaching strategies is crucial for producing competent healthcare professionals. As a medical professor, I am responsible for designing and conducting lectures, evaluating student performance, and providing feedback through examinations and assignments. In this context, I will answer two specific questions related to the incorporation of TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) in medical practice and how this method of communication benefits patient safety, conflict resolution, teamwork, and/or a shared mental model.

Answer 1:

TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system that aims to enhance communication and teamwork among healthcare professionals to improve patient safety. Incorporating TeamSTEPPS in medical practice can be beneficial in various areas such as emergency departments, operating rooms, intensive care units, and outpatient clinics. However, introducing this type of culture change may not be welcomed by all healthcare professionals.

From an organizational view, introducing these concepts may face some resistance because it may require changes in the existing organizational culture, structure, and processes. Concerns may include the possible disruption of the existing workflow, the need for additional training, and the perceived intrusion into professional autonomy.

From a clinical view, introducing these concepts may also face some challenges. Healthcare professionals may have to modify their communication style, learn new techniques to handle conflicts, and adapt to new roles to promote teamwork. Concerns may include the fear of losing control over patient care decisions and the perception that such changes may undermine their expertise.

Answer 2:

Incorporating TeamSTEPPS methods of communication can benefit patient safety, conflict resolution, teamwork, and a shared mental model. Effective communication between healthcare professionals can facilitate the identification and resolution of patient safety issues, reduce medical errors, and improve patient outcomes. Conflict resolution techniques can improve collaboration and teamwork, leading to better patient care and outcomes. A shared mental model can enhance situational awareness and contribute to effective decision-making.

An additional resource (published within the last five years) that addresses the measurement impact of one of these elements in a specific clinical or administrative area of interest is a study by Hua et al. (2018) that aimed to evaluate the impact of a communication training program on patient outcomes in psychiatric inpatient care. The study showed that training healthcare professionals in communication skills improved patient satisfaction, reduced the incidence of adverse events, and decreased the length of hospital stay, demonstrating the significant impact of effective communication on patient outcomes.

In conclusion, incorporating TeamSTEPPS in medical practice can improve communication among healthcare professionals, resulting in better patient outcomes. Introducing these concepts may face some challenges, but effective training and communication can overcome them. The impact of effective communication on patient outcomes is supported by research and should be part of medical education and clinical practice.

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