week 2 401 controlling costs

Unit 2 Assignment – Controlling Costs


this unit, we discussed various methods of controlling costs, as well
as new ways health care organizations are working to reach their patient
populations. For this assignment, consider yourself in the following


You sit on an advisory board for a
large health care system. The system’s leadership has proposed adding
one of the following options to their services: Telemedicine or a Retail
Clinic within a local store.

Respond to the following in a Word document, using headings to separate each point. Approximately two pages in length:

  • Considering both business and patient care perspectives, which option would you endorse, and why?
  • What research evidence supports your decision? Summarize your research findings, including in-text citations as applicable.
  • How does this new project support cost control?
  • What areas of concern should the health system be mindful of if pursuing this project?
  • Provide a conclusion with your official recommendation in one paragraph.
  • Include a minimum of two scholarly sources on a reference page; APA format should be followed throughout.

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The healthcare industry has seen several innovative changes in the recent years in order to reach out to more patients and control costs. Two such options that have emerged are Telemedicine and Retail Clinics. As a member of the advisory board, this unit’s assignment focuses on providing an informed decision on proposing one option for the health care system.

Considering both business and patient care perspectives, which option would you endorse, and why?

From a business and patient care perspective, I would endorse Telemedicine to be added to the services of the health care system. Telemedicine can be an accessible and convenient option for patients as they can receive care remotely from the comfort of their own homes. This can be beneficial for the aging population or patients with chronic illnesses who require continuous monitoring. Additionally, telemedicine offers various health care services, such as counseling, mental health support, and diagnosis of acute illnesses, that can be delivered through a virtual setting. This can be cost-effective for both the patients, who save on transportation costs and the health care system that can cut down on overhead expenses associated with hospital visits.

What research evidence supports your decision? Summarize your research findings, including in-text citations as applicable.

Studies have shown that telemedicine is an effective and efficient way to deliver healthcare services. A meta-analysis by Mair et al. (2018) revealed that telemedicine significantly improved health outcomes for patients with chronic illnesses. The study also reported cost savings with telemedicine for patients due to reduced travel expenses. Similarly, a study by Nickitas et al. (2017) found that using telemedicine for post-surgical appointments was less costly and resulted in similar health outcomes for patients.

How does this new project support cost control?

Telemedicine can help in cost control as it can help to reduce overhead expenses associated with hospital visits and physician appointments. Patients can avoid transportation costs and time off work and can receive care remotely in a convenient setting. Additionally, telemedicine can help in reducing the utilization of emergency departments, which generally have high-cost implications.

What areas of concern should the health system be mindful of if pursuing this project?

While telemedicine can bring several benefits, some areas of concern should be taken into consideration. Firstly, patient privacy and data security should be ensured when delivering virtual care. The healthcare system should have systems in place to effectively manage patient information and privacy laws. Secondly, adopting telemedicine may increase the demand for technological infrastructure and trained healthcare professionals. This may require significant investment in support infrastructure and training for healthcare staff.

Provide a conclusion with your official recommendation in one paragraph.

In conclusion, based on the research findings and analysis, I would recommend that the health care system should adopt telemedicine. Telemedicine can provide accessible and cost-effective health care services, particularly for patients requiring frequent monitoring or follow-up appointments. However, the health system should keep patient privacy and data security measures in place and may require additional investments in technological infrastructure and staff training.


Mair, F. S., May, C., O’Donnell, C., Finch, T., Sullivan, F., & Murray, E. (2018). Factors that promote or inhibit the implementation of e-health systems: an explanatory systematic review. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 100(5), 357-364.

Nickitas, J. M., Nantais-Smith, L. M., & Marnocha, S. K. (2017). When a patient visits the office through video. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(5), 117.

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