Eccentric Training Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

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Read the Bubbico and Kravitz article. 

After you have read the article, answer the following questions:

1.       Provide one example of how you will use negatives for a very fit person.

2.      Provide one example of how you will use negatives for an unfit person.

3.      Provide one example of how you will use negatives for an elderly person.

4.      Look at the 15 key points about eccentric training and tell use which one you find the most useful and why.

5. Overall, did you like this article and the material contained in it? Explain your answer as it relates to your professional goals.

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As a medical professor, I am responsible for creating assignments and evaluating the performance of medical college students. In this medical college assignment, we will be focusing on the Bubbico and Kravitz article, discussing the practical applications of negatives in different populations and examining the key points about eccentric training. Additionally, we will analyze our personal opinion on the article and its relevance to our professional goals.


1. In the case of a very fit person, negatives can be used to further challenge their muscles and enhance their strength and muscle hypertrophy. For example, during a bench press exercise, a very fit person can incorporate negatives by gradually lowering the weight to their chest in a controlled manner, emphasizing the eccentric phase of the movement. This enhances muscle fiber recruitment and stimulates greater muscle adaptation.

2. For an unfit person, negatives can be used to improve muscle strength and stability. A practical example would be performing negative push-ups, where the individual starts in a plank position and slowly lowers their body towards the ground, focusing on controlled movement and engaging the muscles to provide resistance. This helps the individual build muscle strength and gradually progress towards performing full push-ups.

3. Negatives can be beneficial for elderly individuals in maintaining their muscle strength and functional abilities. For instance, using a resistance band, an elderly person can perform negative leg extensions by slowly lowering their legs back to the starting position after lifting them. This assists in preserving muscle mass and improving mobility, which is particularly important for the elderly population to prevent functional decline.

4. Among the 15 key points about eccentric training, one point that I find most useful is the concept of “controlled movement and form.” This emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper technique and form during eccentric exercises to maximize benefits and reduce the risk of injury. By focusing on controlled movement and form, individuals can target specific muscles, stimulate muscle fiber recruitment, and minimize the strain on joints and connective tissues.

5. Overall, I found this article to be highly informative and relevant to my professional goals. As a medical professional, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest research and evidence-based practices in exercise and rehabilitation. The article provided valuable insights into the practical applications of negatives in different populations, highlighting the benefits and considerations for each group. This knowledge will aid my ability to design effective exercise programs, tailored to the specific needs of individuals, and optimize their outcomes in terms of strength, rehabilitation, and overall health.

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