BBC Quality Management Plan

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DUE: Please see the Instructional Plan for a specific due date.

Submission:  Each person in the group must submit the full report including your report merged with your group members into one cohesive document in this submission folder.  Ensure that it is clear which part of the full report each group member wrote.  Note that your Professor may also require your individual section submitted separately from the merged group document.  Please follow the instructions for submission provided in class and see due dates in the Instructional Plan.

File Name Format: Ensure your file is saved using your group number and all your group members names. For example, Group1_Member1_Member2_Member3_Member4


The group will continue to develop the project from Report 1 by developing elements of an implementation plan.  Each group member will be responsible to write one section of Report 2.  The sections of the report are:

  • Human Resources plan,
  • Risk Management plan,
  • Change Management Plan, and
  • Quality Management Plan.

In groups with 5 members, a Communication Plan will be added.

Expert Solution Preview

The content provided is an assignment for a group project in which each group member is responsible for writing one section of Report 2. The sections of the report include the Human Resources plan, Risk Management plan, Change Management Plan, and Quality Management Plan. In groups with 5 members, a Communication Plan will be added.

The assignment requires each group member to submit the full report, including their individual section merged with their group members into one cohesive document. It is important to clearly indicate which part of the full report each group member wrote.

The file name format for submission should be the group number followed by the names of all group members.

The deadline for submission can be found in the Instructional Plan.

In conclusion, this assignment involves the development of an implementation plan for a group project, focusing on different aspects such as human resources, risk management, change management, quality management, and potentially communication.

#BBC #Quality #Management #Plan

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