The Secret to Life Essay —- Watson and Crick 1. Watch the documentary in Canvas “The Secret to Life” and take notes.

The Secret to Life Essay —- Watson and Crick

1. Watch the documentary in Canvas “The Secret to Life” and take notes.

2. Take the notes and write a 2 – 3 page essay about the documentary. The essay should be minimum of 2 pages written in APA style, Calibri or Times New Roman font (11). Include the following information in your essay:

a. What is DNA?

b. Why is DNA important?

c. In the documentary there were two teams of people working to discover the structure of DNA. Include the names of the two teams and describe their role in the discovery of the structure of DNA. Also, include any other scientists who made contributions.

d. Was there ethical issues about who discovered DNA or issues of plagiarism? Was there any other issues in the documentary? Explain

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