you have to fill templates from a screenplay of movie I attached the templates and its examples also from where  will get idea how to do. CAST AND CREW

you have to fill templates from a screenplay of movie

I attached the templates and its examples also from where  will get idea how to do.

CAST AND CREW LIST- You need a character and actor name for your 3 or 4 characters- You need to fill in all 12 crew spots starting with the Director; title on set and name (you can make these names up or pull them from existing shows

LOCATIONS REPORT- Follow the template EXACTLY, replacing your location names, INT/EXT and Occurrences with your own info from your script

SCENE BREAKDOWN- You will need to fill out one of these for EVERY SCENE in your script. Anytime the story goes to a new location, or the same location but with variations, one of these needs to be filled out. It’s fairly self explanatory, but fill out as much as you can for each scene- Your first step should be to NUMBER YOUR SCENES. Go through your script and start with the first scene and Label it ‘1’. Carry on through your script until you get to the end. Remember, not all of your scripts have correct scene labeling, so you will need to number EVERY TIME you switch locations.

SHOT LIST- This is fairly self explanatory as well, now that we’ve watched the videos and gone through the different shot types, angles, and movements. – START by putting your SCENE NUMBER (see the scene breakdown notes above) into the DESCRIPTION box; this way you’ll know which scene you’re working on.- then input into your list all the different types of shots you will need for each individual scene – fill out the corresponding boxes in each line per scene.- Be CREATIVE and THOROUGH. Every scene will not be comprised of just a master shot; you need to utilize close ups (CU), long shots (LU), dolly shots, low angle, overhead, etc.

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