Discussion 1  Review the video “The Fifth Discipline in Three Minutes” located in the topic Resources. Peter Senge, author of the book The Fifth

Discussion 1 

Review the video “The Fifth Discipline in Three Minutes” located in the topic Resources.

Peter Senge, author of the book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization said, “When I look at effort to create change in big companies over the past ten years, I have to say there is enough evidence of success to say that change is possible – and enough evidence of failure to say that it isn’t likely.”

Please discuss your view of the rigors of organizational change and strategies for leading change. Based on that understanding, identify three imperatives for leaders who want to be successful change agents. Please use this week’s readings to strengthen your claims using supporting citations.

Discussion 2 

In Topics 1 and 2, you were introduced to conscious capitalism through the video “Everybody Matters” and “Conscious Capitalism: Unpacked.”

Consider the following scenario: One of your managers heard you are currently completing your master’s degree. He heard about your program’s emphasis on conscious capitalism and servant leadership. He called you into his office to discuss your how school is going. While sharing your excitement about what you are learning, he looked at you, smirked, and said, “All this emphasis on relationships is overrated. I have always made it clear to my subordinates what they need to do if they want to remain employed. All I have to say to them is, ‘Get it done and you will get rewarded, and if not, there will be consequences.’ It truly is that simple!  Developing relationships with employees and suppliers or contractors, all that stuff is only good in the textbooks. It never delivers results.”

Prepare a response that explains the value of conscious capitalism and servant leadership and how it can be used to identify potential deficiencies. Include supporting citations to strengthen your claims.

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