Topic: Offender Program Evaluation Summary of article: The article discusses the significant challenges faced by female offenders reintegrating into


Topic: Offender Program Evaluation

Summary of article: The article discusses the significant challenges faced by female offenders reintegrating into society after incarceration, and it highlights the need for special programs to make that transition easier. The challenges women face in reintegrating back into society are more challenging and complex than men reintegrating (Miller 2021). Women struggle with finding employment, housing, family reunification, parenting, and mental health. Many incarcerated are parents and often intend to resume care after their release. The article suggests that women offenders might be more amenable to treatment and have lower recidivism rates than men, especially when placed into gender-responsive programs specific to factors such as mental health disorders, trauma, and substance abuse (Miller 2021).

One challenge faced by correctional staff in the context of re-entry for female offenders is addressing gender-specific needs since correctional facilities and programs have been predominately designed for male offenders. Correctional staff might struggle to provide effective support that addresses the complex needs of female offenders, and there might be limited resources and funding explicitly allocated for gender-responsive services within those facilities. Considering the challenging support for female offenders, overcoming obstacles would require implementing these gender-based resources.

Forensic psychology professionals face numerous ethical challenges, and to address these, they can utilize Pope and Vasquez’s ethical decision-making model. This offers a structured approach to identifying, evaluating, and implementing solutions (Pope & Vasquez, n.d.). By first identifying specific ethical issues in the correctional setting, they can consult the guidelines and literature to understand how to apply the standards. After considering legal standards, professionals can then generate and evaluate potential solutions and consider their legal implications, effectiveness, and feasibility (Pope & Vasquez, n.d.). By following the model forensic psychology professionals can navigate ethical challenges within correctional in a structured and systematic manner, ultimately promoting ethical practice and positive outcomes.


Miller, H. V. (2021). Female re-entry and gender-responsive programming. Corrections Today13, 12–18.

Pope, K. S., & Vasquez, M. J. T. (n.d.). Steps in ethical decision-making.Links to an external site.Links to an external site. 


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