create an excel spreadsheet using the attached files. Download and review the “Excel Worksheet” found directly below the assignment instructions

create an excel spreadsheet using the attached files. 

Download and review the “Excel Worksheet” found directly below the assignment instructions under “Attachments” for the data sets required to complete this assignment. Note: You must download this “Excel Worksheet,” not just view it in your browser, in order to see all of the required data sets.

Sheet 1

1. Type your Farid Faraj in cell A1.

2. Type “UNV-504” in cell A2.

3. Type “Topic 3 Excel Assignment” in cell A3.

4. Double click Sheet 1 in the bottom left corner and rename Sheet 1 as “Title Sheet.”

Sheet 2

(Review “Excel Formulas and Functions Tutorial,” located in the topic Resources.)

· Open Sheet 2 by clicking the Sheet 2 tab at the bottom of the Excel Workbook.

· In cell D1, type “Total Unit Sales.”

· Using the basic calculation functionality of Excel, find the total unit sales (Price per Unit times the Units Sold) for each product. Do not use a separate calculator to find the results. Include the result in column D.

· Type “Average” in cell A12.

· In cell B12, insert a function to find the average price per unit.

· In cell C12, insert a function to find the average number of units sold.

· Change the price per unit of weed spray to $26.06.

· Change the plastic buckets units sold to 359.

· Type Total Sales in cell F4.

· Insert a function in cell G4 for the sum of all Total Unit Sales.

· Rename Sheet 2 “Garden Store.”

Sheet 3

(Review “How to Create a Pie Chart in Excel (With Percentages),” located in the topic Resources.)

· Create a pie chart using the data in columns D and E.

· Add data labels so that each slice of the pie shows the corresponding percentage and instrument family.

· Rename Sheet 3 “Symphony.”

Sheet 4

(Review “How to Make a Line Graph on Excel,” located in the topic Resources.)

· Create a line graph for Northeast Sales and Southeast Sales using the data provided.

· Create a second line graph for Northwest Sales and Southwest Sales using the data provided.

· Rename Sheet 4 “Division Sales.”

Sheet 5

(Review “How to Make a Scatter Graph/Plot in Microsoft Excel (Scatter Graph Tutorial),” located in the topic Resources.)

· Create a scatterplot using the data provided.

· Label the X-Axis “Attendance” and the Y-Axis “Soft Drink Sold.”

· Label Sheet 5 “Drinks.”

Sheet 6

(Review “How to Rename a Worksheet in Microsoft Excel,” located in the topic Resources.)

· Create a new tab.

· In cell A1, type the most challenging part of this assignment.

· In cell A2, write something new that you learned.

· Label Sheet 6 “Last.”

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