During the decades of exile, the composition of what would become the full Torah took shape. The contributions of the Priestly (P) writers/scribes and the

During the decades of exile, the composition of what would become the full Torah took shape. The contributions of the Priestly (P) writers/scribes and the Deuteronomists’ compositions were completed by scribes, perhaps sponsored by the exiled Judean royal family of Jehoiachin in Babylon.  The oracles and lives of the prophets, especially Jeremiah, were composed.  Several other full compositions were achieved, among them: the Priestly (P) contributions (including the first creation story), Lamentations, Ezekiel, and the oracles of an exilic prophet, who remains unknown to us, whom we simply call Second Isaiah (Is 40-54).  Each offered something distinctly useful for exiled communities then and always.  

Based on a few glances (see below) at the first creation story and at each of these three books, in this second discussion, describe what you identify as the contributions of this creation story and of these three very distinct books written during the exilic period.  What do you surmise each offered to the exiles, again, based on what you now know about the exiles and the exilic period? 

  1. Genesis 1:1-2:3
  2. Lamentations
  3. Ezekiel
  4. Second Isaiah (Isaiah 40-54)

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 250-300 words for each discussion post, formatted and cited in the current APA style.
  • Provide support for your work from at least two academic sources less than five years old.

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