CLASSMATE 1 Nancy Jefferson must use a multi-pronged approach to leadership to meet the needs of the school board, instructors, and kids alongside


Nancy Jefferson must use a multi-pronged approach to leadership to meet the needs of the school board, instructors, and kids alongside their parents to overcome the difficulty of introducing a new educational paradigm. Leadership with a transformational emphasis, which aims to inspire and motivate change, would work best here (Northouse, 2013). By using this tack, Nancy will inspire confidence and buy-in among district residents by vividly portraying the new model’s positive effects on everyone involved. Nancy should work with the school board collaboratively and consultative, understanding that they want a stake in the innovation. Board members might be encouraged to see the new model as a common objective by including them early on, soliciting their feedback, and presenting the endeavor as a team endeavor (Bolman & Deal, 2021). To further connect with the board members’ public perception and control objectives, Nancy should emphasize the project’s social and political advantages, such as improving the district’s image and meeting community needs.

Nancy needs to provide professional development and support to teachers in order to decrease resistance and fear. To help explain the new curriculum and show how it may be helpful, she could host lectures and workshops. Another thing that may assist in reducing doubt is to include influential senior educators in the launch and preparation phases (Bolman & Deal, 2021). Nancy may encourage openness to change by establishing a feeling of competence via chances for continual learning and acknowledging instructors’ achievements. Nancy may create an all-encompassing plan for communicating the new school’s advantages to parents and kids by focusing on its practical aspects, such as enhanced employment opportunities and cutting-edge educational programs (Northouse, 2013). Students’ involvement and excitement may be enhanced by implementing internship and job-shadowing programs with local firms. These programs provide students with hands-on experience and help them better understand prospective career options (Bolman & Deal, 2021). Data and success stories may help parents see the benefits of alternative job preparedness programs and the drawbacks of the conventional college route, which can change their minds and gain their support.

School districts, local companies, and a neighboring college might work together in an experiential learning program that helps kids become ready for life beyond high school. As part of this program, participants may participate in apprenticeships with local businesses, get vocational training in in-demand occupations, and earn college credit via dual enrollment (Bolman & Deal, 2021). Students may gain skills and insights immediately applicable to the workforce via the phases of challenge, reflection, abstract thinking, and application. By combining an apprenticeship as a nursing assistant with relevant college coursework and opportunities for self-reflection, a student interested in healthcare might be well-prepared for entry-level work and further study.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (7th ed.). Jossey-Bass.

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.


Leadership is about influencing people to reach a common goal.  What type of leadership approach would be most effective for Nancy to employ among the school board, teachers, and students in this case? Discuss how this leadership approach will assist with school goals.

Nancy Jefferson, as the superintendent, faces the task of garnering support from the school board, teachers, and students for her vision of implementing a new education model. Given the diverse needs and concerns of each group, a transformational leadership approach would be most effective in this scenario. Transformational leadership emphasizes inspiring and motivating followers to achieve common goals through shared vision, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, and inspirational motivation (Bass, 1985). Nancy can employ this approach by articulating a compelling vision for the new education model that resonates with each constituency’s interests and concerns. She can inspire the school board by emphasizing how the innovative model aligns with their desire for positive community perception and educational excellence. For teachers, she can provide intellectual stimulation by engaging them in discussions about the vision, addressing their concerns, and offering professional development opportunities to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge. With students and parents, Nancy can adopt an inspirational approach, highlighting the practical benefits of the new model in preparing students for successful careers and addressing their concerns about college dropout rates (Storey, 2016).

In looking at the path Nancy must take to reach her goal, how would you go about motivating these groups? Feeling competent and valuing outcomes is an important part of what makes people feel motivated. How could Nancy help her followers feel competent and value their work?

To motivate the school board, teachers, and students, Nancy must ensure that they feel competent and value their contributions to the implementation of the new education model. For the school board, she can emphasize the positive impact of their support on the district’s reputation and student outcomes. Providing them with comprehensive data and success stories from similar initiatives can enhance their confidence in the proposed model (Storey, 2016). With teachers, Nancy can offer training and support to enhance their competence in delivering the modified curriculum. Recognizing their expertise and involving them in decision-making processes can also increase their sense of value and commitment. For students and parents, Nancy can organize informational sessions and workshops to educate them about the career opportunities available through the new model. Introducing mentorship programs, internships, and job-shadowing opportunities with local employers can also help students see the relevance and value of their education, thereby increasing their motivation to engage in the new model (Latham & Wexley, 2022).

Describe a program that would prepare students for life after high school graduation. For example, a partnership between the local school, local businesses, and a college via an experiential learning program. Experiential learning is a pedagogy that promotes learning through direct experience and focuses on reflection.  This teaching model unfolds in stages: challenge, reflection, abstract thinking, and application to life (similar to internship). Be creative. Think about apprenticeships, vocational training, pre-college etc…

To prepare students for life after high school graduation, Nancy can implement an experiential learning program that integrates classroom instruction with real-world experiences and partnerships with local businesses and colleges. One example of such a program could be a “Career Pathways Initiative.” This initiative would involve creating structured pathways in various career fields, such as healthcare, technology, manufacturing, and hospitality. Students would engage in hands-on learning experiences, apprenticeships, and internships with local businesses related to their chosen career pathway (Storey, 2016).  Additionally, the program would include academic coursework aligned with industry standards, taught by teachers with relevant industry experience or credentials. Reflective practices, such as journaling and group discussions, would be integrated into the curriculum to encourage students to critically analyze their experiences and apply theoretical concepts to practical situations. Furthermore, partnerships with colleges would provide opportunities for students to earn college credits or industry certifications while still in high school, facilitating a seamless transition to post-secondary education or the workforce (Kolb, 1984).



Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. Free Press.

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Prentice Hall. DOI: 10.1016/0149-2063(85)90025-6

Latham, G. P., & Wexley, K. N. (2022). Increasing Productivity Through Performance Appraisal. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780203780711

Storey, J. (2016). Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

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