In Module 6, our focus was on a critical part of the research process: measurement. The assigned readings presented some discussion (and evidence) that


In Module 6, our focus was on a critical part of the research process: measurement. The assigned readings presented some discussion (and evidence) that illustrated how measurement is considered and refined in criminology/criminal justice. Among other attributes, we are generally concerned with the validity and reliability of our measures, which reflect accuracy in capturing real-world constructs and facilitate repeatability in future studies.

In this week’s discussion, explain how you see the issue of measurement when you read coursework or outside material related to criminal justice. What issues seem to be measured pretty well, and which ones are lacking, in your view? Does our discipline talk enough about measurement, or should it be emphasized more? And finally, if you were conducting criminology/criminal justice research, what do you think would be the MOST difficult constructs to measure?

I’m looking forward to reading your perspectives.

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